Exploring Plant Medicine with Erin Lovell Verinder

Today, we’re sitting down with Erin Lovell Verinder, herbalist, energetic healer, and author of Plants For The People, her latest book on the healing power of plants.From an early age, Erin found a deep desire to understand our connection with nature. At the age of 18, she enrolled in a 7-year training program to learn about energetic healing and opened her own clinical practice right after. To say that Erin comes with a wealth of knowledge in this world might be an understatement.Though her work is deeply rooted in plants and energy, Erin approaches her work with refreshing respect for our individual journeys and needs. Beneath her desire to share her plant knowledge is the idea that we possess the most important component of energetic healing within us: our intuition. Erin stresses that no matter what modality we seek to help us make change, we should always adhere to what feels the truest to us.After all, plant medicine is about connecting back to nature and connecting with our inner-beings. Though people can guide us along the way, there is no greater guide than ourselves. Listen in to learn the intricacies of our natural ecosystem and how to begin your own personal healing.

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