Surya Spa’s Ayurvedic Coconut Yogurt

With summer coming, Ayurveda helps us find foods, herbs, practices, and therapies that help cool us down. One particularly delicious cooling medicine is coconut yogurt. Serve it with fresh fruit, on nutritious mung bean pancakes, or simply by itself. Chock full of probiotic benefits, it’s a surefire way to strengthen your digestion and, subsequently, your entire physiology. Enjoy it for breakfast, as a snack, or as part of a wonderful dessert!


2-3 coconutsA sprinkle of natural powdered Madagascar vanillaA few drops of lime juice½ probiotic pill 


1 | Using a coco-jack or another similar tool, open 2-3 young coconuts.2 | Empty the water from each of the coconuts into a jar and set aside.3 | Using a spoon, scrape out the coconut meat.4 | In a blender, combine the coconut water and ¼ of the coconut meat.5 | Add a sprinkle of natural powdered Madagascar vanilla to a few drops of lime juice, and blend until smooth. 6 | Add more coconut meat to thicken, based on your preference.7 | Add ½ of a probiotic pill to the cream.8 | Stir and leave on top of the counter until the next day.9 | Refrigerate and enjoy!*Yields 2-3 jars.Surya Spa is an authentic, artisan Ayurvedic clinic offering consultations, traditional treatments, and recipes to treat every dosha.


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The Other Invisible Monster