Doorside Delivery with Goodmylk

Have you ever looked at the ingredient list on your carton of almond milk? Depending on your preferred brand the list can be relatively short, or extraordinarily long, filled with ingredients you can’t quite pronounce and things you need to Google just to make sure you know what, exactly, it is you’re drinking. For a list of short, easy-to-pronounce ingredients, look to Goodmylk, a brand of alternative milks with sustainable, organic, vegan, and fresh ingredients. This means frozen milk concentrates, fresh creamers, and powders with four ingredients or less.The idea of having fresh milk every morning is appealing, but nut and hemp milk are not naturally made for a long shelf life, which is why Brooke Rewa, Goodmylk founder and CEO, decided to create a line of frozen concentrates that make it easy to whip up quality alternative milks -- in seconds -- at home. “My first goal was to get a real-food, great quality alt-mylk out to my community. As we saw the demand grow, our mission expanded to figuring out how we can get this product to the world without compromising the integrity of the liquid,” Rewa explains. “And that's when the frozen format came to me!”And if you want organic, fresh, alternative milk in your kitchen at the drop of a hat, it’s super easy to get.

All of Goodmylk’s frozen concentrates are available to order online, and to make life even easier, you can sign up for their subscription service. It’s like Vogue, but for your tastebuds.

Subscribers get 12% off each order and can have all their frozen goodness delivered weekly, bi weekly, or monthly. Of course, fresh has never been synonymous with frozen, so Rewa knew they had to do it the right way. Goodmylk’s frozen varieties — almond milk and hemp milk — come in ‘original’ and ‘pure,’ one with a natural sweetener and the other without. Their ingredient list is short and sweet: certified organic sprouted almonds or certified organic raw hemp seeds, alkaline water, certified organic date syrup, and ancient mineral salt. That’s it. 

“Our products are made with the same ingredients and taste the same as if you had made them from scratch. But who has time for that?” Rewa poses.

“Our products are also sprouted and organic. As we've grown we look at every step it takes to make and distribute our products and make sure we are doing everything the best way possible. That means we source organic ingredients from regenerative farms as much as possible, soak and sprout all of our nuts and seeds, and use compostable and recyclable packaging.”For Rewa, there is no Goodmylk without these ideologies about sustainable, organic, and natural ingredients. They’ve passed on potential revenue from oat milk because they couldn’t find a way to make it natural and sustainable enough for the brand’s high standards. First and foremost it’s about health — for the planet and customers.“Transparency is incredibly important to us. We make food. Food directly impacts human health and the health of the planet. So, as a food maker, we have a huge responsibility to do things the right way,” Rewa explains. “A lot of ‘plant-based’ companies benefit from this general idea among consumers that if something is plant-based that means it's healthy, and that is just not the case at all. We hope that by doing things the right way and being transparent and strategic at every step we can be a model for other businesses to realize you don't have to cut corners at the expense of your consumers and the planet in order to grow your business.”In short, Goodmylk is good for you, fresh, natural, delicious, and delivered straight to your door… which in today’s time and age, is on par with a roll of double ply and sanitizer. For 15% off any Goodmylk item(s) on their website, use code: THEFULLEST.Marissa Stempien is a freelance editor and writer that can’t turn down a good almond milk latte. With a degree in English Literature and a minor in Asian Studies, she has written on travel, fashion, beauty, technology, culture, and food, and enjoys writing short stories in her spare time. Find her on social media at @paperandlights.


Julie Bernier


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