Mama Medicine

This week, we’re podcasting from home and feeling incredibly fortunate for modern technology and its ability to connect us — even in times of social distancing! If you’ve been going inward and asking the deeper questions about our current world, then today’s guest may just be the healing you need. We FaceTimed Deborah Hanekamp of Mama Medicine and chatted about the individual and collective messages she’s received on rest, the divine feminine, and fear. Deborah is an intuitive healer who specializes in aura energy, a gift she has had since childhood. But don’t be fooled into thinking her maternal loving energy, spiritual gifts, and grace aren’t also the result of years of her own discerning inner work. Deborah has been following her calling for over two decades and studied under many different teachers. Deborah’s own message, however, is that we are all our own best healers. She empowers us to heed others’ wisdom, but ultimately reminds us that it is up to us individually to make up our own hearts and minds on what is our best medicine. And in the face of COVID-19, this seems like a very appropriate time for us to take some spiritual inventory. And because she’s Mama Medicine, Deborah also gives us a few self-care rituals and healing baths to help soothe our fears and calm our nerves -- so jump in the tub, grab a Saffron Latte, and nestle in for a powerful spiritual salve!This episode is sponsored by SEED. For 15% off the first month of your Daily Synbiotic subscription use code: thefullest[arve url=" " /]


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