Dafna Tachover

Recently, an Italian court has confirmed a connection between mobile phone use and brain tumors for the sixth time. But what’s more interesting is that this knowledge is apparently old news.Our guest today, Dafna Tachover, is a leading 5G expert, lawyer, and avid defender of our (and our children’s) rights to an environment shielded from the harmful radiation caused by our wireless networks.According to her, we’ve known the negative health effects of wireless technology since the 1940’s, but haven’t done anything about it. As a result, businesses are continuing to invest in and expand on our wireless networks, which can — and already has — caused long-term physiological harm to humans.Dafna’s work within this field was catalyzed by her own experience of getting microwave sickness caused by this very technology. In addition to avoiding public spaces with WIFI connections, she's even had to tell her neighbors to turn off their routers for her own health.And she is not alone, apparent from the numerous stories she showcases of people who have suffered from simply being wirelessly connected to the Internet, which can, also, cause inflammation and free-radical damage to your body (unless you’ve already hardwired your place, which we fully encourage, BTW).Join us this week as Nikki and Dafna discuss why it’s important to stand up to how — and where — cellphone towers are built, why our health app-equipped smartwatches may be doing more harm than good, and how to create your own sanctuary within our over-connected world.  This episode is sponsored by SEED. For 15% off the first month of your Daily Synbiotic subscription use code: thefullest[arve url=" https://youtu.be/ZFbVS7koqiA " /]


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