GEM is Busting the Myth That Supplements Are a Waste of Money

Although the world of science and medicine has made some huge leaps in the 21st century, women still seem to be left out of medical studies and clinical trials. And, while there really isn’t anything men can do that women can’t handle, there are still major physiological differences between the two sexes that science still hasn’t considered. That’s why brands like GEM are focusing specifically on women’s health, providing sustainable, plant-based products that help nourish humankind differently. 

GEM offers what other vitamin brands don’t -- uniquely-designed supplements that are FDA-regulated and created from the cleanest plant sources possible.

Sara Cullen, GEM’s CEO, founded the brand after going through a bad bout of health issues in 2017 where she suffered from severe inflammation, hormonal imbalances, breakouts, and adrenal fatigue. After months of trial and error to determine where the issues were stemming from, Cullen discovered she was seriously lacking in the nutrition department, causing her hormones to be out of balance. By adding algae and adaptogens (which are healing herbs mainly used to combat stress and anxiety) to her diet, she was able to address her deficiencies and completely transform her health. Cullen found the months-long ordeal to be incredibly frustrating, and, through her intense research where she studied multivitamins, ingredients, hormones, and women’s nutrition, she gained the knowledge to start GEM. Her mission was to simplify every woman’s daily health habits with holistic solutions to meet the modern demands of modern people. “Reinventing the essentials and multivitamin is just the beginning,” she says. Cullen’s research (and GEM’s subsequent product line) dispelled three major myths about vitamins and supplements that people tend to believe: 

Myth 1| All forms of vitamins work the same in every body.

“Real-food derived nutrition is best,” Cullen explains. “Your body shouldn’t be tricked to absorb nutrients with harsh toxins, sugary emulsifiers, or artificial preservatives.” The healthy fats, co-factors, and bioactive compounds are key when it comes to helping your body absorb the proper nutrients as well as ensuring they all work together. 

Myth 2 | A healthy diet alone is enough when it comes to proper nutrition.

The American food system doesn’t have all of the nutrients we need to thrive. “Even if you eat a well-rounded diet, it’s nearly impossible to get all the nutrients you need,” Cullen explains. “You need supplementation.” 

Myth 3 | More of anything -- whether it’s superfoods or vitamins -- is better. 

“A one-size-fits-all solution doesn’t work because women and men simply have different hormonal rhythms and anatomies that require different nutrition,” Cullen says. “Furthermore, overwhelming your body with too many nutrients can be harmful. That’s why we have formulated solutions for women, by women, that strip away the unnecessary things (i.e. megadoses, shady fillers, synthetic binders) and provide just the essentials women need most to thoughtfully fill the gaps in their diet.” GEM doesn’t just talk the talk when it comes to their products; they also walk the walk. All of their products are backed by a scientific advisory team of doctors, nutritionists, biologists, entrepreneurs, farmers, food scientists, and herbalists -- and this team is consulted weekly to ensure everything they put out on the market is backed by the best possible science and research. On top of their advisors, the GEM team goes through an intense vetting and research process when it comes to finding their ingredient suppliers from across the world. “Everything we source is clean, vegan, food-derived, corn-free, gluten-free, and soy-free,” stresses Cullen. “Many of our ingredients are right in our backyard here in California.”Cullen also notes that it’s incredibly important for the brand to have products that are created from plants, not labs. Supplemental nutrients are often overprocessed and isolated from the important co-nutrients, phytonutrients, and bioactive compounds they need in order to work efficiently in the body. 

“We believe food is medicine -- and your nutrients should come from the cleanest sources possible,” Cullen states.

For those on the fence about adding yet another supplement to their diet, Cullen completely understands. “Everyone's health journey is personal and we’re all on a mission to feel our best. What works for some, might not work for others... and that's okay,” she explains. “If you feel like something is missing or want to clean up what you're putting inside of your body, we offer trial packs… many women notice a difference within their first few days!”In addition to their trial packs, fullest readers can get 25% off their order of GEM by using the promo code: FULLEST25.Logan Cross is a writer, editor, and dancer based in Los Angeles. You can find her on Instagram and Twitter, or listening to every fictional podcast her phone allows her to download. 


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