Moon Juice

Amanda Chantal Bacon needs no introduction. Her galactic brand Moon Juice launched in LA many moons ago and has since expanded from cult juices and cookbooks to adaptogens and skincare. But it’s not just about that product life for this cosmic queen. Running a business is tough, so making sure her reason for being is also loaded with meaning is equally as important. For Amanda, Moon Juice represents a holistic lifestyle that goes far beyond juices, milks, and snacks -- it’s a healing force, an etheric potion, and a cosmic beacon for those seeking out beauty, wellness, and longevity. Amanda got her drive for business from her mother, who was a major force in the female-owned business Betsy Johnson. The young go-getter started Moon Juice as a single mother, hustling up a small loan from family and friends, and today serves as an artist disguised as an entrepreneur (just flip through her cookbook for all the artistic masterpieces). Tune in this week to hear Nikki and Amanda discuss mamahood and the power (and challenge) of staying in your feminine during this period. Prepare to Thrive Cosmic!This episode is sponsored by Feals, a premium CBD brand that helps keep your head clear, reducing anxiety, pain, and sleeplessness. With its hassle-free monthly membership program, Feals’ CBD is delivered straight to your doorstep, making it easy to feel your best. For 50% off your first month subscription use code: THEFULLEST. Referenced in this episode:

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