Bonberi On Bleecker’s Green Smoothie

Plant-based is by no means a novel approach to eating and living sustainably, but in a world where “the hustle” and “the grind” are synonymous with success, where does one turn when in need of inspiration? There are thousands of resources, but the saturation can seem overwhelming. Meet Bonberi, an online mecca created by Nicole Berrie for those either searching for ways to enter, or who are completely immersed in the plant-based lifestyle.Berrie’s favorite recipes, interviews with chefs, tastemakers, and then some can be found in one accessible, approachable place, with her content constantly evolving. Through the newsletter, on social, or amidst categories neatly organized to address each facet of plant-based living, Bonberi has made itself a go-to for foodies in-the-know.The entrepreneur’s home of New York City presents unique difficulties for the mindful eater. Dollar pizza slices and just about every variation of fast food lies conveniently around every corner... so where do Manhattanites turn for clarity? Berrie seized the opportunity to open Bonberi On Bleecker in the West Village, upholding her stance on nourishing the body by way of the stomach. Visit the spot yourself and you’ll find a myriad of juices, smoothies, salads, grain bowls, daily soups, and snacks galore.  

“At Bonberi On Bleecker, we really strive to make sure everyone who walks through the door feels better on their way out than when they entered,” explains Berrie. “Our hope is to make plant-based eating a little more fun and a lot less stressful by providing delicious grab-and-go bowls and snacks to fill your pantry.”

From its beginnings as part of a shared space with a local florist, to taking over the space completely, Bonberi On Bleecker has grown into a community hub for all things wellness. In addition to a menu of gluten-free and vegan goodies, the space also plays host to events centered around Bonberi’s philosophy to uphold a holistic approach to health and wellbeing. “The response we’ve been getting from the panels and workshops we’ve hosted in the past has been super encouraging,” says Berrie. “We’ve had people travel near and far just to attend some of our events, so it’s definitely something we plan on continuing in the future.”Pop into the modern bodega and feel welcomed into an environment that understands the healthy eater’s on-the-go needs, while simultaneously fulfilling the craving they have for slow-food (aka: food that prioritizes nutrition and enjoyment over surface fulfillment). A must-have for Berrie? Her Bonberi Green Smoothie… which she just so happened to share the recipe for. You’re very welcome!


1 cup frozen banana, very ripe, chopped1 firmly packed cup of kale, chopped1 firmly packed cup of baby spinach2 cups of Harmless Harvest coconut water1 fuji apple, cored, not peeled2 large celery stalks1 cup of frozen mango, chopped1 handful of fresh mint leaves


1 | Blend on high until creamy!Charlotte Farrell is a writer and editor who loves nothing more than a piping hot matcha latte and rambling on about topics to the tune of wellness, self-care, food, climate change, sustainability, clean beauty, fitness, mental health, and travel. She is based in NYC where she enjoys reading, writing, exploring, and hunting for gluten-free pastries.


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