Meet the Medical Medium, One of the World's Most Coveted Healers

In the 70’s pet rocks were all the craze. In the 80’s it was the Rubik’s Cube. Surely you remember pogs and Tickle Me Elmo from the 90’s, Crocs and iPods as we rode into the new millennium. In the 2010’s we were obsessed with Angry Birds, Grumpy Cat, and fidget spinners and now, as we round out the teens, as Kylie Jenner is named the world’s youngest “self-made” billionaire and the self-care industry enters a trillion dollar market, we are, collectively, addicted to celery juice. (Like, literally, celery is selling out of grocery stores.) The man behind the global celery movement is Anthony William, better known as the Medical Medium. An unassuming man based in Los Angeles, William is the New York Times best-selling author of multiple books, the host of the Medical Medium Podcast, and has been known to have a waitlist for in-person and phone consultations which has reached the millions. With a combined total of over 5 million followers on social media and a celebrity fan base that reads like a who’s who of Hollywood (we’re talking everyone from Sylvester Stallone to Robert De Niro to Gwyneth), William has amassed a cult-like following. I mean, Kim Kardashian has tried his celery cleanse (and is actually posting Instagram Stories about it without any #advertisement hashtags). As for her lil’ sis, a certain world’s youngest billionaire? Yep, those infamous lips are probably sippin’ on celery as I type this.

As a child, William realized he had a gift in that Spirit (his inner voice whom he calls his guide) would tell him what ailments people were experiencing whether they already knew about them or not.

“I’d hear this complex, advanced medical information that I didn’t understand a word of,” he describes of not knowing what to do with the load of knowledge he would regularly receive, “but I knew I could repeat it to someone else so they could try to understand.” One evening at the dinner table when he was four, he told his healthy grandmother that she had lung cancer (she went to get checked — she did). Years later, when a family member injured her back and was suffering from sustaining inflammation, Spirit whispered in the young Medium’s ear to have her try celery. He remembers thinking, ‘How are we ever going to create celery juice!?’ “It definitely wasn’t the beautiful process that we have now,” he laughs. “We were like, ‘Okay, we have to get a whole head of celery and somehow get it through this blender.”Their mission was a success, and Anthony William’s world would soon change forever.While working as a stock boy at a local grocery store he built up a small clientele at the age of 14. “I was doing readings on people there at the store,” he shares, “pushing their chairs around and getting food for them that I had mentioned in their reading... ‘You need to be on this, this is what’s causing your diabetes, this is what’s happening…’” 

Before long, William had gained a sizable following. While his clients were reversing their chronic diseases with blenders the size of cinder blocks (this was long before any high-tech juicers were invented), he was building trust, one follower at a time.

Famous for his views on celery (take 16 ounces by itself, first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach), he’s also a wealth of knowledge about pretty much everything else regarding your health, despite never actually having received any nutritional training — it’s all based on the information that is handed to him via Spirit. In addition to his books specifically on celery (Celery Juice: The Miracle Cleanse and Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide) he has a book about rescuing your liver, about healing your thyroid, and about life-changing foods.As with any public figure there are bound to be haters — especially if said figure is proclaiming loud and clear for the entire world to hear that our eating habits might be less than par. As he makes his rounds on network television and puts out each new book or cleanse, there’s people that call him a fraud, a “huckster,” saying that he dispenses “junk science.”But the thing is, William doesn’t have a multi-million dollar ad deal with celery, he doesn’t own stock in the vegetable… rather, it’s something anyone can get, pending of course, that there’s sun, water, and (ideally) regenerative soil — all things, mind you, that are just out of the range of William’s everyday scope. “It’s the most organic, natural, grassroots scientific study that’s automatically happening because people are healing by the hundreds of thousands,” William says of the fact that celery’s many benefits aren’t actually yet proven by science. He just knows what he’s seen — that juicing the vegetable can reverse chronic diseases, restore the body, rebuild hydrochloric acid, and flush and clean out the liver, amongst many other values. William gives a voice to the chronically ill. “It’s never been about me,” he explains. “It’s about the people who have symptoms and conditions and can’t find answers. It’s about the people who were told they were crazy and lazy and tired because they were bored, that their symptoms weren’t real, that they needed a psychiatrist. I’ve been a messenger of information to them, and then a messenger of their suffering to the masses.”

And this is all done out of the goodness of his heart. There’s no secret vendetta. There’s no particular diet he’s pushing, no pay-to-play. He’s simply saying, ‘Hey, add this in with what you’re already doing; it will help.’ 

He’s not a leader who is going to guide his legions of celery-loving followers to a jungle to OD on greens. He’s not even making it about whatever celebrity is currently in on the craze (and he could — see: Scientology and Tom Cruise). He’s keeping his message clear and concise, about something you could, if you wanted to, actually grow in your own backyard… for freeThe Medical Medium is not out there tirelessly spreading his message to the masses to gain fame, to have us blindly believe that something he invented is going to cure us all, rather he’s providing us with the knowledge he’s received from his power, backed by success rates, and is leaving us to do what we please with that information. Akin to a modern-day Jesus spreading the (celery) word, Anthony William is doing his part to change the health of millions and make the world a better place. It’s up to you if you want to follow him or go on a celery hunt or buy the fastest, sleekest juicer in all the land. He just wants you to get better. It’s as simple as… celery. Lindsay DeLong is the Managing Editor of the fullest and host of the podcast, Cancer, Casually. She may or may not plug her nose when she downs said celery juice, but the important thing here, is that she does it. (And feels better than ever.) Get in touch with her on Instagram at @iLikeLindsay or at


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