Channel Your Leo Lioness With August fullest Scopes

As both the Leo New Moon and Mercury’s direct station arrived late last night, on July 31st, we now step into August fearless like the lion itself! The Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th opposes Venus, suggesting that sometimes the best course of action is compromise, and we can use the Virgo New Moon on the 30th to set intentions for autumn. But the day to watch is August 11th, when Mercury enters Leo, aligning hearts and minds, expressive Jupiter stations (after spending four months retrograde), and unpredictable Uranus stations (that are retrograde until January 1st, 2020 -- which makes the back half of the year anything but average).

Aries -- 

Your motivation and charisma make you unstoppable in August, and last months’ workplace hurdles, though still present, no longer feel like they’re looming over you. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th finds you socializing with a new crowd, suggesting you need different experiences to keep an important intimate relationship fresh. After the 23rd, Mars, Venus, and the Sun will sit in your house of health, amplifying an interest in self-improvement. The Virgo New Moon on the 30th revamps summer routines to align with fall priorities.

Taurus -- 

Uranus’ transit through your identity house has created unexpected financial or relational upheaval this year, but on the 11th it stations retrograde, making its effects less material and more psychologically perceptible so you can acclimate to this new reality. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th supports fresh social connections, and while the beginning of the month puts focus on family, the back half spotlights creative ambitions. The Virgo New Moon on the 30th gives artistic projects visibility: your unique aesthetic has marketing potential. 

Gemini -- 

Although parties and day trips dominate the beginning of your month, the Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th encourages a vacation. You’re fortunate to have a reliable social circle, but meeting people from different backgrounds uplifts your spirit. (So if you can’t manage an immediate getaway, now’s the time to start plotting your next adventure.) After the 23rd, most of the action takes place in your own home. The Virgo New Moon on the 30th prompts a dialogue with roommates or family regarding unspoken matters that need addressing. 

Cancer --

Eclipse Season put you through the ringer, but also aligned you with a vision of your best self. Unsurprisingly, August re-instills you with the confidence necessary to grab what you want out of life. Money and romance are on the table, and under the Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th, you’re inclined to share what you have with others (an evolution to formerly-resistant behavior). The Virgo New Moon on the 30th suggests joining a club or team to best channel reinvigorated idealism, curiosity, and generosity.

Leo --

Some of you have a birthday this month and it shows! With the Sun, Mars, and Venus all in your first house, your leadership potential is off the charts. Jupiter stations direct, bringing with it creative opportunities born in recognition of your talent. Although you’re feeling yourself, the Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th spurs a desire to collaborate, requiring some compromise and negotiation on your part. The Virgo New Moon on the 30th prompts a new self-care routine, emphasizing better time and resource management.

Virgo --

With the Sun in your hidden house and Mercury direct, ideas are brewing. This might be a private time for you, likened to an author writing a book. You’re accomplishing much behind the scenes, but others won’t see your progress until the unveiling. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th is a good time to share a sneak-peak. Your birthday month begins on the 23rd, so use the Virgo New Moon on the 30th to ask yourself “Who am I becoming?”

Libra --

On the 13th, the Sun conjuncts your ruling planet, Venus, imbuing you with confidence as Venus transitions from a morning to an evening star. Collaborations, group activities, and teamwork are supported all month, but on the 15th, the Aquarius Full Moon sees you pulling away from the scene to avoid a burnout and reset in your own creative bubble. The Virgo New Moon on the 30th further encourages a recharge by diverting attention from casual associations to focus on a few potentially life-changing intimate relationships. 

Scorpio --

August has big career energy for you. Your optimism, focus, and good humor make you a perfect candidate for a raise or promotion. Although all appears rosy on the surface, however, the Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th suggests that putting all your focus on work is making your personal life feel a bit lonely. Take this opportunity to pause and reconnect with family and those in your inner circle. On the 30th, the Virgo New Moon invokes dynamic partnerships that uplift while supporting career growth.  

Sagittarius --

Jupiter, the planet of abundance, slowed your momentum when it stationed retrograde last April, but when it goes direct on the 11th, you’ll see that pumping the breaks was a good thing, giving you time to develop an action plan instead of leaping into something unprepared. This month is about adventure, exploration, and new loves. The Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th prompts a reexamination of long-held beliefs. Use the Virgo New Moon on the 30th to set goals that utilize your skillset. 

Capricorn --

You know how to set boundaries, but this month you set them with compassion to clear a path for real intimacy. Acknowledging your personal power provides context for healthier relationships and better money management -- so make your passions work for you! The Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th liberates you from unwarranted financial stress, while the New Moon in Virgo on the 30th suggests enrolling in classes or learning a new language, grounding your practical knowledge through experiential learning.  

Aquarius --

Love is in the air in August, but all relationships, including artistic and business partnerships, are supported. The Full Moon in your sign on the 15th aids in cooperation, helping you define your need for freedom in balance with the needs of others for the purpose of mutual growth. The New Moon in Virgo on the 30th favors intimate bonds, and could even foster deep healing by revealing how experiences in childhood forged the multivalent person you are today.

Pisces --

This month your focus is attuned to health and wellness, but you’ll also find yourself hitting a creative stride, making all aspects of your life feel interconnected and sustaining. Self-love is key now, so take all opportunities to treat yourself! The Aquarius Full Moon on the 15th marries your imaginative or mystical sensibilities with a practical plan for implementation. Use the Virgo New Moon on the 30th to call in partnerships that share your passions and meet your intellectual standards.Nyssa Grazda is a LA-based astrological consultant, writer, and intuitive. She speaks to planetary transits, magic, healing, and personal empowerment on her Instagram at @neongeometryastrology.Artwork by: George Stoyanov.


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