Stars & Stripes: Our Nation’s Numerology

Astrologer, reiki master, and sound therapist, Linda Nugent, is back again with a special birthday numerology for the US as it turns 243 years old today. The stars tell her 2019 will be a defining year for our country -- although a time of contradiction, it holds great potential to bring us together. The US is in a unique numerology scenario wherein its Life Path number equals its Personal Year number: 5. Rarely do these numbers equal one another, but when they do, it signals big things on the horizon that will define a new cycle.A number 5 Life Path is adventurous, bold, challenging, curious, freedom-loving, and visionary, and a number 5 Personal Year is all about competition and change -- possessing qualities that contrast at first glance, but turn out to be complementary. If you’re new to numerology, a Life Path number acts as a blueprint; indicating who the country is, how its values are defined, and what obstacles stand in its way. A Personal Year number illuminates at-hand opportunities, risks, and challenges specific to the current year (January to December).

Nugent anticipates a flurry of activity for America’s birthday with an especially sizzling summer. Eclipses on Cancer and Capricorn axes happening in July shed light on key dates for news, politics, and information.

“Keep an antenna up for news and trends until July 16th,” she offers. “You’ll hear much more about these stories over the next 6 months.”Mercury Retrograde is also occurring in July. The astrologer foresees a revisiting of existing knowledge, which may slow momentum as society rethinks its way forward. The silver lining: “This period will bring back old information — and that can be very valuable,” she shares. In October, Mercury Retrograde will be in Scorpio which indicates scandals. You’ve heard about an “October surprise,” but this year, she says, look out for a Christmas surprise, too. “On December 25th, a Solar Eclipse should bring more news about money and relationships that sum up the last 18 months.” There’s an undeniable bright spot in Nugent’s reading of the country’s birthday numerology: Venus. The highest planet in our country’s birthday chart, Venus adds an uplifting tone. Known for its ability to bring people together, Venus’ power also casts charm and quells animosity. “Venus has the potential to bridge ideas and actions based on our similarities — not our differences,” Nugent explains. With so much brewing within America’s birthday chart, the country can use all the good vibes it can get. While the real gift you can give America is exercising your right to vote in midterm and federal elections, Nugent has devised three 4th of July ceremonies in the meantime. 

1 | Put your money where your mouth is --

Take 5 one dollar bills and write an inspirational blessing on them (for example: “love conquers all” or “equal rights for women”). Then spend those singles — sending positivity out into the world.

2 | Stop and smell the roses -- 

If you’re planning a family get together, you may be wondering how to get through dinner without having a political argument with those out-of-town relatives. Nugent knows just the tonic to tame tense moments: aromatherapy. “The rose is our country’s national flower. Choose rose flowers as your centerpiece and allow the scent to permeate the space two hours before guests arrive. I have a hard time imagining anyone arguing politics while smelling roses."

3 | Say a little prayer -- 

Prayer flags have long held the power to bring about positive energy in the places they're hung. They are also a colorful and beautiful décor element and conversation starter. “Before the group arrives, write blessings for the country on colorful prayer flags. Then string them up around central locations where conversations take place.”Nugent encourages us to use this Independence Day to consider what we collectively stand for as a country and what we need to thrive. Positivity always casts better results than fear and negativity. Jillian Rodriguez Nugent is a lifestyle and culture writer based in Southern California. When she’s not writing, she’s shopping the local farmers’ market, sitting behind a potter’s wheel, or at the coastline splashing about with her husband and daughter.


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