July Fullest-Scopes

July is Eclipse Season, so expect the unexpected! The Cancer Solar Eclipse on the 2nd prompts warm feelings of compassion, while the Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 16th-17th warns against letting compulsions and rigid power dynamics rule us. Both signatures ask us to reimagine what it means to be strong, however, with both Mercury and asteroid Chiron (the wounded healer) stationing retrograde early in the month, we’ll run up against false confidence -- and embracing empathy might prove challenging. As the Sun moves from Cancer into Leo, question the legitimacy of old fears to sink deeper into self-love. 


Ideally, July should be spent settling home affairs and creating a comfortable retreat for family gatherings and relaxation, but career responsibilities and social obligations vie for your attention during Eclipse season. Mercury’s retrograde spin cautions against taking work-related stress out on your friends in the absence of an appropriate outlet, so watch your temper until after the Full Moon Eclipse on the 16th. Aim to balance your “persona” with the needs of your inner child by meditating on what progress and success mean to you. 

Taurus –

This month Mercury retrograde forecasts communication gaffes and errors in judgment, forcing you to admit that you don’t know everything. What feels uncomfortable can free you from a cage of your own making; don’t let potential embarrassment or the fear of making a mistake stifle your curiosity. Vulnerability and honesty are more important than composure now. The Full Moon Eclipse on the 16th is a confidence-booster, illuminating where you no longer need the bravado of old beliefs or negative feedback loops. 

Gemini – 

The Lunar Eclipse on the 16th suggests you’re at risk of hoarding your resources, spending unwisely, or failing to be clear in matters of the heart. But if you retreat to your shell to avoid potential fallout, friends and lovers will attempt to crawl in with you, desirous of your presence even when you’re defensive, moody, or aloof. July illuminates that feelings of lack have their root in the fear of rejection, and can be resolved by mustering the courage to tackle them directly and by communicating how you need to be supported... especially to that certain someone. 

Cancer – 

If you’ve been micro-managing your relationships as a way to avoid looking in the mirror, the New Moon Solar Eclipse in your sign is going to be a gut-punch. Are you clinging to a partnership as an excuse not to grow? You might be confusing consistency for stability. Mars’ entrance into Leo/your second house of values and Mercury’s retrograde spin provide clarity on how to best trust yourself and prioritize your ambitions, instead of relying on the constancy of relationships which, at least at present, may not be able to fulfill your emotional needs. 

Leo – 

You may have fallen into some bad work or health habits but lack the energy or faith in yourself required to change your behavior. During Eclipse season, rethink routines that keep you on autopilot. Remember, all change originates in the imagination. You’ll be aided by Mars in your sign all month long, helping you to pursue passion projects and set new, creative goals. The way you work will be revolutionized following the Lunar Eclipse on the 16th, and you’ll enter your birthday month on the 24th with a clearer sense of purpose.

Virgo – 

With Mercury in retrograde after the 7th, beware of creating controversy in your community this month. You desire advancement opportunities but keep getting sidetracked by entertaining distractions -- and the last thing you want are missed deadlines and unprofessional conduct. Use the Full Moon Eclipse on the 16th to rewrite your story and dedicate your time, energy, and talent towards one project instead of several passing diversions. 

Libra – 

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 2nd is a career game-changer, but because Mercury is in retrograde for most of the month, pick your battles with superiors wisely. Instead of explaining why you deserve opportunities, showcase your commitment, skills, and creativity. The same goes for family matters because, while breaking from tradition could be the best thing for you now, it may result in clashes with relatives later. Prioritize the legacy you want to leave behind and trust your capabilities. 

Scorpio – 

This year you’ve been thinking a lot about truth and what it means to know others deeply, so during Eclipse season give yourself permission to outgrow habits, preferences, and prejudices that hold you back. You don’t always have compassion for your own journey, and Mercury in retrograde could see you fighting an internal battle to let go of the past and have faith in your fellow man. If you’re going to trust others, you have to allow them to be there for you. 

Sagittarius – 

This month’s eclipses stir your desire for intimacy and prosperity. While scarcity was a perfect check on reckless behavior in early life, living in the shadow of a poverty complex has become detrimental and toxic. Ask yourself why it feels safer to cling to scarcity instead of thriving. Do you fear pursuing what you really want and being let down? Use Mercury’s retrograde spin to unpack your fears nonverbally through meditation and exercise. By understanding the root of your anxiety, you create a safe container for your emotions instead of intellectualizing your circumstances. 

Capricorn – 

Love doesn’t have a reputation for showing up at the most convenient of times, and recent events have likely left you feeling disillusioned with the very prospect of romance. During Eclipse season, examine your defense mechanisms and let down your walls. A surprising romantic interest might challenge the narrative that you always have to be the “strong” one. The Lunar Full Moon Eclipse could herald a new partnership, friendship, or promising business relationship, but with Mercury in retrograde all month long, you’ll see changes in your psyche before they manifest on the world stage.

Aquarius – 

You’re in the middle of a slow spiritual or ideological awakening, and the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd suggests a change of routine will quicken the pace of a significant breakthrough. It may be time to step into a role as a mentor to share your knowledge with others. A learning curve is inevitable, and you could add a few new skills to your toolkit before making the jump -- so try not to snap at partners who are trying to help. Explain your need for personal space up front during Mercury retrograde... or you could take frustrations out on the wrong people. 

Pisces – 

Finding peer groups, teammates, and support networks has been a frustrating process lately. While your friends seem to be at the top of their game, you’ve lent your considerable talents out for less than you’re worth, losing your voice in the process. In July, don’t settle. Occupy your own space and ditch the notion that you’re in a competition. Your “successful” comrades have gotten to where they are by occupying their own niche, not comparing themselves to someone beside them in line. It’s time you to do the same. Nyssa Grazda is a LA-based astrological consultant, writer, and intuitive. She speaks to planetary transits, magic, healing, and personal empowerment on her Instagram at @neongeometryastrology.


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