THE FULLEST Proudly Presents Our Warm Feelings™ Saffron Latte

Move over turmeric... saffron is the new star of the show!I grew up eating saffron regularly, and after spending time researching its mood-boosting benefits, I’m now convinced it is what helped me stay positive during all the family drama I endured as a little girl (along with a dash of ignorance, of course).As a morning pick-me-up in lieu of coffee or a nourishing night cap to tuck you into bed, this Saffron Latte recipe is thee drink of all drinks… however young, old, or naive.



  1. Pour the milk and Saffron Latte powder into a high speed blender.
  2. Whisk milk and powder together with an aerolatte.
  3. Blend and serve.

*yields 1 servingTHE FULLEST's Warm Feelings™ Saffron Latte available in both jar (20 servings) & single serving sachets (10 servings). Learn more about the mood-boosting benefits of saffron here & here.


Saffron: A Little Plant With a Lot of Punch


Sudan’s Silent Strife