Cancer, Casually: Donna McNutt, the Cancer Fashionista

Donna McNutt is Instagram's Cancer Fashionista and we are thrilled to have her unique brand of relentless authenticity and diehard optimism on the show. Happily married and a mother to three grown children, Donna was first diagnosed with a rare type of blood cancer called Multiple Myeloma in 2015. With no known cure, she bravely underwent chemotherapy and a stem cell transplant, going into remission for a few years until it just recently recurred. However, she’s not letting cancer stop her or slow her down even a bit. In fact, her and her hubby are traveling through Europe, right now!As you may have guessed from her Insta handle, Donna is the kind of lady who makes the best of any situation she’s given. While in the hospital she became known for swapping her hospital gown for fun PJs and slippers and brought all sorts of color to the chemo ward during her treatment. Now she’s using what she’s learned to mentor others who are going through the same experience. Her message is to find the thing that makes you feel whole and to use that to fuel positivity through the darkest of moments. For Donna, this was as simple as deciding what to wear every morning. Fashion has always given her a sense of happiness and it’s palpable. Through her, Donna’s audience is inspired to face their trials with their best foot (or outfit) forward.Listen on iTunes or Spotify.[soundcloud id='639354786' height='false']


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