Age Gracefully with Lumity

Another gray hair plucked from your head with frustration. Another day pulling at the newly formed wrinkles around your eyes. Another gaze in the mirror unfairly analyzing and criticizing your body for simply getting older.

All too often, women dread aging and everything that accompanies it. Despite what society often portrays, logging another year in the books does not mean we have to lose our personalities or radiance -- we can still look and feel how we did when we were younger.  

Dr. Sara Palmer Hussey, Cambridge University graduate, founded Lumity after realizing that too many anti-aging solutions only went skin-deep... literally. As a single mother in her 40’s, Hussey wanted to give women just like her a better way to care for themselves as they inevitably get older. The entrepreneur knew that merely offering something for one’s skin wasn’t enough. While young-looking skin is great, the solutions that were on the market at the time were not fully addressing the rest of a woman’s body -- all of which is important to truly look and feel healthy. This is why Lumity offers anti-aging supplements that work day and night to give you beautiful skin, hair, and nails but also aid in a healthy metabolism and immune system, strong bones and muscles, and optimal brain health. “Lumity has been formulated to target all the processes in the body that are involved in aging -- only by doing so can you effectively stem the tide,” Hussey explains. “If you just work on one symptom of aging, such as wrinkles or low energy, you don’t reach the root cause of the issue, which is actually made up of a number of different causes.”Lumity’s anti-aging supplements consist of Morning Softgels that give you a handful of necessary vitamins to fight against stress during the day and Night Softgels that keep your skin elastic and bright while you sleep. “By supporting the body’s ability to counteract aging simultaneously across several systems and processes, the results Lumity offer are holistic and cumulative as the body starts to redress the balance between damage and repair,” Hussey continues.Shani Darden, former supermodel turned Los Angeles-based facialist, takes Lumity’s anti-aging supplements and says it has been a gamechanger for her skin routine.“I love that I can sleep better, feel better, and have my skin look its best,” shares Darden. “I had been looking for the perfect supplement to add to my routine for a long time, and I’ve been so impressed with the results I’ve had.”

By helping women look and feel their best, Hussey strives for her brand to celebrate women in any and every step of their lives, helping them to realize that aging does not have to be a bad thing, but rather an asset.

“There is no expiration date on personal evolution, happiness, fulfillment, or beauty. As a brand, we want to support, celebrate, and champion all women on their journeys,” Hussey shares. “We do not want to represent another unrealistic, aspirational model of what wellness looks like. Instead, we want to highlight the possibility of wellness in everyone’s life.”In addition to anti-aging supplements, Lumity also offers an anti-aging facial oil that moisturizes, lessens wrinkles and fine lines, helps skin maintain hydration, and protects against pollutants and environmental factors that could otherwise damage the skin.Hussey recognizes that wellness is so much more than eating healthy and exercising. To be truly healthy, you also have to take care of your mind and spirit. Lumity encourages this complete path to wellness in the articles they post on their website that provide women with tips and advice on staying healthy on the inside, as well as the out.“We intuitively understand that it is difficult to feel happy when you’re in pain or just under the weather -- this is the body’s effect on the mind,” states Hussey. “Lumity supports the optimum health, mental health, and hormonal balance of your body so that you can experience holistic wellness -- mind, body, and spirit.”Alexandra Applegate is a Midwestern girl who always felt she was a Californian at heart. She’s constantly looking for her next go-to sushi restaurant and would only eat seafood if she could. Contact her at or find her on Instagram at @BytheApplegate.


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