Women and Their WHY: Alyson Charles

In honor of March being Women’s History Month, we’re debuting our “Women and Their WHY” series, showcasing inspiring women who are making positive changes in the world (and who we are totally girl-crushing on daily).

Who she is:

You might know Alyson Charles’ voice from the meditations she offers through Amazon’s Alexa, or perhaps you’ve attended one of her many live meditation events in NY or LA. Wherever you know her from however, you'll know that she is a force for good. Her audience spans across the world and is comprised of seekers and spiritual devotees who can attest to the truth that her work transcends and unifies.

What she does:

Charles has had a varied and dynamic career path which has included everything from being a national champion track athlete to television and radio hosting. Rockstar Shaman, as she is known today, is both a spiritual teacher and the Founder of Shamanic Media. She brings her heightened level of consciousness into the media — both through shamanic PR, and as a regular contributor to wellness sites like Well + Good where she provides monthly energy forecasts. (Spoiler alert: you’ll also see her hosting television shows later this year.) Not surprisingly, she feels very much that her career is a calling and is dedicated to living aligned with her very specific work.

What makes her different:

Charles believes that one of the keys to her success is that she’s always open to truth — where sacred wisdom leads her, she listens. Whether she’s working with a brand on their corporate PR initiatives, or working one-on-one with her individual clients, she believes that this determined spiritual openness is what allows her to deliver the empowered messaging that transforms brands and her individual clients from the inside out.

How finding her WHY has contributed to where she currently is in the world:

Charles says her WHY is to “assist humans in remembering who they truly are inside.” She believes it is this inward personal work that shifts the entire planet.If she could impart one piece of illuminated wisdom onto women who are currently exploring what it means to fully live in alignment with their WHY, it’s this: “The uncertainty is part of the initiation; part of walking your path of truth. You get clarity and guidance by stepping forward — this is how the path reveals itself. You cannot wait until you have everything figured out to begin, because the path of truth and living your calling is one that will always evolve. It’s about starting, going.”

What women does she, herself, look up to:

In honor of Women’s History Month, Charles wants to bring attention to Goddess Isis, saying “she is a force that has brought the most pure, powerful support to me and my path.” Jasmin Jenkins is an intuitive connector and community builder based in Los Angeles. She was most recently the Head of Partnerships at THINX, and is currently consulting with mission driven startups. You can find her at The Class, over The Standard.Illustration credit: Juliet Romano.


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