Madly Forever: Jaimi Brooks

Hot off the heels of Valentine’s Day, we’ve got a podcast to help you deepen your love life. If you’ve ever had difficulty expressing yourself, your wants, and your needs in a relationship — you’re not alone. As women, our numero uno problem in love is our inability to not properly communicate our desires. And we're not just talking sexual (although that’s a great place to start). Fortunately, we’ve got family therapist and all around relationship guru, Jaimi Brooks on this week’s episode to help us break through our blocks. Jaimi challenges us to push ourselves to truly express all our feels with our partners. If you’re angry allow yourself to be angry, if you’re sad feel sad, if you’ve got something that needs to be said, say it. Yep, it might sound scary but it’s very important because the alternative is festering resentment that could’ve been altogether avoided. And, for all you lady bosses that have already speed-read this article (because honestly, who has time for relationships these days?), we’re here to tell you to that you do have time -- slow down! Jaimi specializes in ambitious entrepreneurial women and reminds us that we all not only need a human connection that is face to face, skin to skin, heart to heart... but that we deserve it too. Listen on iTunes or Spotify.[soundcloud id='575937921' height='false']


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