Madly Forever: Dawn Cartwright

Welcome to the Tantric edition! This week we’re diving deep into the sacred act of all things sexual with none other than Tantric visionary, Dawn Cartwright. Nothing is off the table in this episode -- from anatomy to pornography to communication to sex. Dawn believes that most people fall into either the oversexed or undersexed category, and shares science and techniques to help us define which camp we’re in -- and then follows it up with a meditation practice aimed to help us become master lovers and maximize our sexual energy. If you’ve ever wanted to get in touch with yourself, deepen your physical love practice, or push yourself to fully open to the divine, Dawn has a pearl of tantric wisdom for all of us. Get it while it’s hot. Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='550908705' height='false']


Adaptogenic Plant “Chz” Plate


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