Madly Forever: Ashley Terrill

How far would you go for a Tinder date? Across the city, across the country, across the globe? Meet Ashley Terrill, who did exactly that... and then some. As a culture writer for Elle Magazine, Ashley embarked on an ‘investigative’ piece of journalism titled “20 of the Hottest Dudes from Around the World” and readers were crushing hard. The innocent article soon turned into a real-life Tinder travel adventure and Ashley got to kill two lovebirds with one stone: her passion for travel and her passion for, well, passion. Soon she was off on a trip to 35 cities across 6 continents to meet the men from her article and many more. Now with her project Around the World in 80 Dates, she's helping us discover the world's dating culture -- one man at a time. Never a job for the faint-hearted, Ashley is certainly the woman for the job: bold, confident, and willing to explore the globe, as well as the innermost workings of herself, having returned with some incredible and eye-opening findings (and experiences). In this episode of Madly Forever, we unpack digital dating and ask all the hard questions we’ve never had the courage to ask like… are Tinder nightmares universal? Were there any cultures that wined and dined her better than others (looking at you Italy and France)? And, of course, did she fall in love with any international men of mystery? (Spoiler alert: yes she did... three times.) Trust us, this episode is definitely worth a swipe right. Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='544690545' height='false']


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