Apple Cranberry Coconut Creme Crepe Cake

Some things just make me think of home. Pancakes for dinner, my grandmother’s apple stir-fries, fall meals with family around the dinner tablethis is where my comfort lives, in that fall-inspired palate of sweet bready bakes and warming spices. Of course, in my adult life, most of these comfort foods don’t live in my current lifestyle (sans gluten, most grains, and sugar) but these memories are definitely worth revisiting, revitalizing, and upgrading with every bite. A perfect blend of my past reconditioned and refined into layer after layer of healthy decadence.


For Crepes:

4 eggs1½ cups Milk (or Non-Dairy Milk of choice)¾ cup Cassava Flour1 tablespoon Ghee1 tablespoon Collagen Powder A dash Stevia (optional)A pinch Sea Salt

For Apple Stir-Fry:

2 Apples1 cup Cranberries1 tablespoon Ghee (or Coconut Oil)1 tablespoon Cinnamon A dash Turmeric (optional)A dash Stevia (optional)1 Lemon

For Coconut Creme:

1 can Coconut Cream (or Full Fat Coconut Milk)1-2 tablespoons Honey



1 | Beat the eggs well and add in other ingredients, whipping until well combined. (If desired, make the batter the night before and store overnight in the fridge for a thicker, more viscous batter.)2 | Using a non-stick crepe pan, or 6-inch frying pan, grease with ghee and allow it to melt over a low heat.3 | Once melted, use a ladle for measuring equal servings, and gently coat the bottom of the heated pan with the batter until it’s completely covered. (Crepes should be thin, but not too thin that they break or tear when you attempt to flip them.)4 | You’ll be able to see when the batter has cooked through and is ready to be flipped by the change in color and lack of movement when you attempt to move the pan, (approximately 30 seconds to one minute should do the trick). Using a pliable or offset spatula, free the edges from the pan and gently flip the crepe. 5 | Be patient and consider the first couple practice. (The additional dose of butter the first round gets may make the crepe less than ideal for the final cake.) Continue to make crepe after crepe, stacking them to cool on a plate, until you have your desired number. Store at room temperature until ready to assemble.

Apple Stir-Fry:

6 | Cut the apples into small cubes. 7 | Grease a large pan at medium heat, and once melted add your apples and cranberries, cinnamon, and stevia if desired. 8 | Allow to cook through and reduce, stirring occasionally. 9 | Once the apples and cranberries are soft, remove them from the heat, add a squeeze of lemon juice, and allow them to cool until ready to assemble.

Coconut Creme:

(Add the can of coconut cream or full fat coconut milk to the fridge the night before making.)10 | Add the coconut cream to a large mixing bowl, and using an electric beater or mixer, whip the coconut and honey until light and fluffy. Store in the fridge until ready to assemble. 11 | Spread a layer of coconut creme onto your crepe, add your desired amount of apple stir-fy, another crepe, and complete the process until you’ve reached your desired height. 12 | To finish, add additional creme, apples, a drizzle of honey, and a dash of cinnamon or turmeric. Serve fresh.*Makes approximately twelve, six-inch crepes.Alle Weil is a certified holistic health counselor, artist and creative consultant, founder of Flora ex Machina, and creator of her buttery Ayurvedic-inspired spread, Royal Ghee. Through a modernized and intuitive back-to-the-earth approach, Alle educates and empowers readers and clients by reviving traditional healing and culinary practices in a delicious and beautiful way. Alle lives and practices in Los Angeles, and specializes in creating both sustainable and healing wellness programs for modern living.


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