Madly Forever: Taylor Eyewalker

As we come off the back of Thanksgiving, we’re taking time to ground and recenter with one of our fave spiritual guides, Taylor Eyewalker. Taylor is a superfood imbibing, kundalini and tantric yoga teacher, counselor, and creator of the UNCOIL method -- a program she developed over 10 years. This week we’re chatting authenticity, de-conditioning, and spiritually evolving through breakups, because wakening to our greatest self is a journey into our own personal blocks and hurdles. In true Kundalini form, this episode takes us on a sheepskin magic carpet ride into our deepest subconscious thought patterns. Taylor gifts us with a sack of conscious expanding techniques including breathwork, visualization, and mantra -- all from her own personal Santa, Yogi Bhajan.Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='537355818' height='false']


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