Open Your Mind to Vaginal Probiotic Suppositories

Although life enters the world through this portal, the majority of women I work with still talk about their vaginas as if they are a separate or segregated part of their bodies. Women are worried if they look and smell right and are often fearful or uncomfortable even talking about them. This results in a slew of vaginal and emotional health concerns that go undiscussed until they turn into major problems.We’ve long known that our microbiome (aka: the healthy bacteria living in our guts) is the basis for immunity and health. With the advent of better funding for research, microbiome mapping companies are now offering affordable, direct-to-consumer choices for folks to map their personal microbiomes without getting health care providers involved. While certainly similar, all vaginas are unique. Each contains a common, yet personal microbiome of tiny organisms competing to thrive. Some exist to protect while others cause havoc by taking over the harmonious cells. This happens through lifestyle variables or via sexual contact.If you’re someone who has experienced or experiences endometriosis, chronic digestive issues, reproductive concerns including miscarriages, STI’s, HPV, or ongoing yeast infections, having your vaginal microbiome tested can help personalize the approach you’ll take to balancing, treating, or preventing these concerns. UBiome’s Smart Jane is a great service that helps its clients map out their vaginal microbiome, DIY style. (Check out my personal DIY vaginal suppository recipe below!)For those who don’t have time to do it yourself, Alicia Lohmar, founder of the vagina-empowering company, Ladybits Toiletries created an incredible small-batch formula that encourages probiotic viability. Lohmar says, “Our bodies are exposed to potentially harmful microbes all the time -- particularly through sexual activity. In fact, some would-be troublemakers, like Gardnerella vaginalis are considered commensal -- they can be present in the vaginal tract without causing symptoms. It’s women with low levels of lactic acid-producing bacteria who are at increased risk for urogenital infections like bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, and UTI’s. Even more concerning, they are also especially susceptible to STI’s, pelvic inflammatory disease, and, preterm delivery and miscarriage.”Clients have found that these small-batch formulas help to encourage a healthy vaginal flora, can be used to address chronic and acute vaginal dysbiosis, and helps to reduce biofilms. After trying these vaginal suppositories if your vaginal health concerns seem to linger bacterial biofilms could be to blame. Like most things, there are helpful and harmful biofilms. Biofilms protect bacteria allowing them to thrive, making it more difficult for you to eradicate potentially harmful bacteria while keeping the good vaginal ones alive. (If nothing seems to be working, ask your provider about the best biofilm inhibitors and regulators for your constitution!)If you want even more pussy-empowerment inspo to help boost your vaginal wellness confidence check out my Fullest feature on Mindful Masturbation and check out Vaginapractor, Kimberly Johnson’s Morning Matcha episode!


(With this easy DIY recipe you can create probiotic-based vaginal suppositories to empower your vaginal and reproductive wellness.)1 cup Organic Cocoa Butter½ cup Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil ¼ teaspoon Thyme Essential Oil¼ teaspoon Tea Tree Essential Oil300-500 billion Viable Probiotic Cells, for entire batch (I suggest Klaire Labs or Custom Probiotics brands of probiotics)


1 | In a stainless steel, glass, or ceramic saucepan, melt cocoa butter and coconut oil over low heat. Do not allow to boil. Remove immediately once melted. 2 | Stir in oils with a fork.3 | Pour the mixture into a glass bowl, cover, and allow to come to room temp (but not harden).4 | Mix in probiotics, pour into silicone molds (in the shape of 2-4 inch tubes) and place in fridge until completely hardened.5 | Once ready, wash hands and insert suppository into the vagina.*Protip: Wear protective pads and use at bedtime.Christine Dionese, co-founder of flavor ID is an integrative, epigenetic health and food therapy specialist. Her personal and professional ethos is where science and discovery meet intuition and wellness. Christine lives, works, and plays in Southern California with her daughter and husband.


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