Madly Forever: The Amazing Clarks

Jessie welcomes a couple that is still madly in love after 28 years to this week’s episode of Madly Forever. Anthony and Melanie Clark are an incredible duo who have dedicated their lives to helping others also achieve relationship bliss. Together they’ve created a revolutionary model that helps both halves become whole, while diving deeper and moving through emotional blocks. At this point you may be thinking it sounds like any ol’ relationship coaches bio… but rest assured, The Clarks’ system is way different. Instead of feeding you with regurgitated fluff, you’ll truly be challenged to create real-world transformation with assignments (hello, homework!), tangible advice (which runs deeper than the generic ‘follow your heart’ advice), and some straight up, straight talk. In fact, some folks say this approach may one day actually change the world. After all, love done the right way really does win. If you’re ready to genuinely tackle your relationship hurdles, Anthony and Melanie Clark are here to put you through your paces… all in the name of love.Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='516438399' height='false']


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