Lorena Garcia of the Bloguettes and Majka

Along with her partner Sakura Considine, Lorena Garcia launched a one-stop-shop digital marketing studio and workshop called Bloguettes that offers branding and marketing services to individuals looking to start their own business. Based in Phoenix, Bloguettes specializes in providing hands-on training tools to creative entrepreneurs with a larger mission to inspire other women to follow their entrepreneurial dreams. Never one to sit still, in 2016 after the birth of her son, Lorena quickly discovered a void in the wellness space that catered to new mothers. Inspired by her own challenges physically and mentally during the postpartum period she and friend, Majo Mansour, co-founded Majka, a line of wholesome and nutritious snacks that enhance lactation and offer key health benefits that every new mother needs. Majka is now available online and in select retailers across the US.We recently caught up with the busy entrepreneur to find the seven things most inspiring her at the moment:

1 | My two year old son, Diego --

I am inspired by him daily. I think as adults we lose our ability to enjoy the small things in life and fully live in the moment. Seeing my son’s approach to life has helped me find happiness in the smallest things (like watching a movie as a family).

2 | Wellness accounts on Instagram --

I feel like the focus on wellness is here to stay! We all want to live long, healthy lives. I am inspired by websites like Mind Body Green, Goop, Well and Good, and of course The Fullest which provide us with amazing information while bringing awareness to the current issues that affect all of our lives. I also enjoy following accounts that provide healthy, easy recipes. I used to hate cooking, but accounts like this have changed my perspective on food and now I enjoy cooking healthy meals for the whole family.  

3 | Self-care --

I love the self-care mom movement we are seeing! I feel inspired when I see women that don’t feel guilty prioritizing their health in order to better take care of the people they love. For the longest time we as women felt guilty focusing on our needs before others -- but more and more we are learning that the better we are with ourselves, the better moms we can be.  

4 | Guy Raz’s How I Built This podcast --

Every time I tune in I hear amazing founder stories and feel so empowered and inspired! It's amazing to hear how successful people started from nowhere and how their hard work and vision turned them into who they are now!

5 | My work family --

The people I work with inspire me everyday. I love working in a collaborative environment where we all get to share our ideas. Whether it is Bloguettes or Majka it would be hard to carry out the proper vision of the companies without the right people in place.

6 | The potential of stem cell therapy to help people with autism --

My younger brother has autism and my family has been focused on finding the best and latest research to improve his quality of life. Lately, I feel there has been great improvements.

7 | Beautiful branding --

I am a sucker for beautiful packaging design and branding. I know the importance brand identity and strategy have on the success of a company. I also know the hard work that goes into creating a brand, so every time I find a product that I love I feel inspired by it! I recently discovered Brightland, the most beautiful olive oil I have ever seen. I ordered a bottle after two seconds of seeing the packaging and meeting the lovely founder.


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