OWL Venice on All Things Bone Broth

When Lindsey Wilson set out to create OWL Venice, she wanted to share the skincare products she had created at home that helped cure her adult-onset acne. Never did she think it would evolve into the popular bone broth line that it is today. Her organic broths are infused with a wide range of healing herbs, roots, and vegetables sourced from local farms. She even offers a bone broth cleanse for those who want to do a deeper reset of the gut and cure their tummy troubles -- which we can attest to as we have tried it ourselves! OWL is about much more than just bone broth or skincare -- its mission is to help people feel their best so that they can live their Fullest lives. We recently sat down with Lindsey to learn more about OWL.

What inspired you to start OWL?

I originally launched it as a place to sell my skincare products. I struggled with adult onset acne after going off birth control at age 25, and oil cleansing was the only thing that worked for me. I created a line of face care products, started teaching workshops at Whole Foods, and launched OWL as a place to share and sell my creations. I’ve always envisioned the company growing into more of a lifestyle brand, but I never would’ve guessed back then that bone broth would be our flagship product!

What is the meaning behind the name?

OWL stands for One Whole Life, and it’s all about feeling our best, so we can live our best lives -- because we only get one! I’ve always had an affinity for owls because my grandmother collected them. I remember telling my friend I wanted to name the company OWL but wanted the meaning to tie into the vision for the company -- he recommended coming up with an acronym and it literally just rolled off my tongue right after he suggested it.

Have you had a personal struggle with food or nutrition that led you here?

Definitely! I think we all struggle with our relationship to food -- especially with so much hidden sugar, processed foods, and GMOs. We have to be really careful and educated about our food choices. About three years ago, despite the fact that I ate all organic and mostly whole foods, I started to experience severe digestive distress. After I got my first hemorrhoid at age 27, I knew something needed to change. I decided to give up alcohol, gluten, dairy, and sugar for an entire year to give my body a chance to heal. I started following a GAPS protocol and eating all foods that were easy to digest, such as cooked greens and steamed squash, as well as incorporating bone broth regularly into my diet. I was avoiding garlic and onions as part of this protocol and couldn’t find any broths on the market that were void of these common allergens. Thus, I began to make my own using ginger and turmeric instead of garlic and onions, as well as a plethora of herbs to mask the meaty taste.

Is bone broth beneficial for everyone?

What we love about bone broth is that it meets you right where you are. Whether you’re sick, healthy, young, old, male or female, needing a pre-workout or going through postnatal, it helps all people in so many ways. I’ve heard people claim that the broth has helped them with just about everything you could think of -- from less anxiety and gas, to increased energy and muscle mass, to curbed cravings and weight loss, to quicker recoveries from sickness and injuries. I hesitate to say it’s good for everyone, because we all know there is no one-size-fits-all and there are exceptions to every rule. But I do personally believe that some form of broth can help most people. For example, some bodies might be better-suited for beef, while others for vegan mineral. It’s all about trying it and seeing how your body responds.

Bone broth is definitely trending right now. Would you categorize it as a trend?

I think it’s more of a resurgence than a trend. Bone broth has actually been around for centuries, and every culture has its own version of it. I think it makes sense that it’s trending as a packaged food product in today’s fast-paced world because it takes such a long time to make! It’s best simmered for at least 24 hours, which, for some people, is just not convenient. When buying broth, I personally think it’s important to find local brands that are brewing in small batches, because the love and care put into it is just as important as the quality of ingredients used. The proverbial 'grandma’s chicken soup' is made with love, and that’s a very important ingredient we pour into every batch we brew at OWL.

When is the best time to consume bone broth and how?

It’s not so important what time it’s consumed, but more so that it is consumed at the same time every day. Some like to have it in the morning to fuel their workouts, while others like to have theirs after dinner to curb late night cravings. When you incorporate it into your daily routine with consistency, it will actually help to calm the nervous system. Ours is designed as a stand-alone beverage, so it tastes more like a tea than a traditional stock. We love to drink it warm with a squeeze of lemon, a spoonful of ghee, and a pinch of cumin. You can also use it as the base for soups or in place of water when cooking for extra flavor.

Why do you supplement herbs to OWL’s broths?

I’ve always been most inspired by the power of herbs. I love to use them not only in my cooking, but also in my skincare products via essential oils, as well. The herbs add a subtle complexity and their medicinal properties rival the healing powers of the broth itself. I find the alchemy of both is unparalleled.

What direction do you see OWL growing in?

We’re working on developing our next products, including reintroducing our skincare line. We also just started offering immersive wellness workshops/retreats, so we're exploring more in that direction this year and next. We are now shipping our broth and cleanses nationwide, so expanding our e-commerce and social efforts is a huge priority. We love collaborating with fellow wellness 'freaks' and have started forming alliances with other brands and influencers. Ultimately, we are committed to growing the product line in a sustainable way. With the power and impact of social media, we are beginning to see how we can grow OWL into more of a media platform, aimed at spreading education and awareness about health and overall well-being.Photo by Ian Spanier.


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