Madly Forever: Paige Appel

This week Paige Appel joins Madly Forever to talk all things IVF. And we mean all things. This is a no holds barred ep that covers everything from miscarriage to pregnancy in your 40’s to money, insurance, hormones, and even the dark web. Paige has publicly shared her #paigeandtalsroadtobaby journey on Instagram, and through her vulnerability has become a voice to many women on their own conception paths. Today, more than ever before, more women are turning to IVF -- and yet it’s rarely talked about as candidly and tenderly as in this week’s episode. Jessie and Paige have been besties for many years and they touch this tender topic with an openness that only happens amongst your closest lady friends. And, like we said, nothing is off the mic. So if you’ve ever experienced, considered, or are curious about the IVF process, join us as we handle IVF with care. Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='502385451' height='false']


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