Double Pumpkin Maple Truffles

Sometimes when I’m experimenting with a new recipe I discover multiple ways I like to whip it up. If I’m serving these truffles to friends at a dinner party for dessert I like to create a pumpkin seed brittle as an edible “plate” to present them on. If I’m simply making a dozen to enjoy throughout the week, I’ll generally chop the brittle and coat the truffles.The food therapeutics highlighted within all help to optimize immunity. I’ve noticed that micronutrients and minerals are often overlooked essentials for maintaining immunity and is the reason I love creating simple recipes that are loaded with nutrients from their superfood ingredients. Pretty much everyone loves pumpkin, which is rich in beta carotene and great for general immune wellness. Pumpkin superfood truffles are an awesome way to feel great about sending your wee ones off with a treat that will keep them sustained. (And, they are also perfect for popping into your Bento for a treat of your own!)In addition to pumpkin, this recipe is also packed with maca, a great source for calcium, iron, zinc, B vitamins, essential fatty acids, and Ceylon cinnamon which regulates blood sugar. Together, they provide stamina and overall immune protection.


1 cup Terrasoul Raw Pumpkin Seeds2 tablespoons Coconut, Grapeseed, Avocado Oil, or Raw Butter2 tablespoons Sticky Sweetener (such as Raw Honey, Agave, or Maple)1 teaspoon Cardamom1 teaspoon Maca1 Vanilla Bean Pod, de-beaned*Note: For this recipe you can either use a cast-iron pan or a baking sheet lined with parchment.


1 | Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2 | In a mixing bowl combine the oil, sweetener, cardamom, maca, and vanilla bean. Stir in and coat pumpkin seeds with the mixture. 3 | Pour into a cast-iron pan or evenly along parchment so that it appears together as a layer and place in the oven on the middle rack for 10 minutes checking occasionally. After 10 minutes, mix around with spatula, then bring back together so the mixture “sticks.” Set the timer for another 10 minutes and check. (You may also notice that your mixture is separated, use a spatula to bring back together, and, if necessary, use a silicone brush or spatula to spread an additional layer of sweetener over to act as glue. If you chose honey, watch closely as honey can burn.) The seeds should turn from green to a brownish color and will appear toasted. 4 | Remove from the oven. If done in a cast iron pan, transfer layer onto a cooling rack lined with parchment. If done on a baking sheet, lift or slide parchment onto a cooling rack. 5 | Once cooled, transfer to a cutting board. You can either finely chop the candied nuts to coat the truffles or you can break apart as brittle for edible plates.


¼ cup Pumpkin Puree6 tablespoons Coconut Butter, melted2 tablespoons Maple Syrup¼ teaspoon Pure Vanilla Extract⅛ teaspoon Terrasoul Ceylon CinnamonPinch of Himalayan Salt


1 | In a mixing bowl, combine the pumpkin, coconut butter, maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt. Mix until smooth. Be sure the ingredients are room temperature and not cold or the ingredients will not combine well. 2 | Place the bowl covered in the refrigerator for approximately 30-45 minutes. After 45 minutes test for firmness. Roll into balls by hand or use a rounded spoon. 3 | If you are rolling truffles into finely chopped nuts, you can do this now. If not, place in a flat glass dish with a cover, preferably lined with wax paper. (If you cover the brittle, it may get soft because it does not contain the sugars traditional brittle does to act as a thick “glue” -- brittle is best fresh. If you make ahead and want to crisp it up before serving, place in the oven on parchment for 5 minutes at 250-350 degrees.)*Makes one batch of six tablespoon-sized truffles. Christine Dionese, co-founder of flavor ID is an integrative health and food therapy specialist, as well as a wellness, lifestyle, and food journalist. She has dedicated her career to helping others understand the science of happiness and its powerful effects on everyday human health by harnessing the power of the epigenetic landscape. Christine lives, works, and plays bicoastally between Southern California and upstate New York with her family.


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