“Lolo Loves Crepes” from CAP Beauty

This crepe recipe, borrowed from CAP Beauty’s cookbook, HIGH VIBRATIONAL BEAUTY, will immediately transport you to France, which, if you ask us, sounds like an exceptional idea. Clean, pure, and packed with the most nutritious of ingredients, we’re officially ready for our French breakfast. Bonjour!


2 cups Buckwheat Flour½ cup Cacao Powder 1 teaspoon Himalayan Pink Salt 3½ cups filtered Water1 tablespoon Flaxseeds, groundCoconut oil

For the Compote:

1 pound fresh Figs, halved, or ½ pound dried1 tablespoon fresh Lemon Juice1 teaspoon Lemon Zest 2 tablespoons Coconut Sugar2 tablespoons Cacao Powder1 teaspoon Vanilla Extract (or ½ Vanilla Bean, scraped)

For the Chocolate Sauce:

¼ cup Coconut Oil¼ cup Cacao Powder 1 tablespoon Lucuma PowderCacao Nibs Sliced Figs Toasted Hazelnuts


In a large bowl, combine the flour, cacao, flaxseeds, salt, and 3½ cups of water. Allow to rest for 30 minutes or overnight.

To make the Compote:

1 | Add the figs, lemon juice, lemon zest, sugar, cacao, and vanilla to a medium saucepan. 2 | Place over medium heat and cook at a simmer, stirring often, for 30 minutes (or until the figs are broken down and most of the liquid has been absorbed). 3 | Remove from the heat and let cool.

To make the Chocolate Sauce:

1 | Warm the oil over a double boiler until liquefied. 2 | Whisk in the cacao and lucuma, stirring well. 3 | Remove from the heat and set aside.

To make the Crepes:

1 | Warm a bit of coconut oil in a non-stick skillet or crepe pan. 2 | Once melted, tilt the pan to cover the entire diameter of the skillet, immediately pouring in about ¼ cup of the batter. Very quickly, tilt the pan once more to cover the entire surface with batter, returning the skillet to the heat. 3 | Cook the crepe over medium-low heat until the edges begin to bubble and the bottom starts to release. 4 | Remove and continue with the rest of the batter.

To assemble:

1 | Place a crepe on a flat surface and drop ¼ cup of the compote in the center. 2 | Place on a serving plate and drizzle chocolate sauce over the top, serving with the cacao nibs, figs, hazelnuts, and whipped cream.*Makes 15 crepes (using an 8-inch pan).Recipe excerpted from HIGH VIBRATIONAL BEAUTY. Copyright @ 2018 by Kerrilynn Pamer and Cindy DiPrima Morisse. Published by Rodale Books, an imprint of Crown Publishing Group, a division of Penguin Random House LLC.


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