Cancer, Casually: Brooke Arthur

There’s nothing more important than trusting yourself when it comes to your health. After being repeatedly dismissed by the medical system, Brooke Arthur demanded doctors do more investigative testing. And, as it turned out, her feeling that something was wrong, was actually right. Brooke was diagnosed with endometrial cancer in 2017, and, thanks to her own sensing ability, has now made a full recovery. This week Lindsay and Brooke sit down to chat about the importance of not just listening to, but also speaking up for, your body before, during, and after your diagnosis. If you think you need more examinations, ask for them! If you're not feeling your doctor, change it up! If you feel that a hysterectomy is the right treatment plan for you, do it! If you want to share your cancer story or keep the journey private, feel peaceful in your process...Cancer causes us to deeply connect with our innermost selves. This episode reminds us that while there are many incredible practitioners to help us walk the road to recovery, you are your greatest guide.Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='489154077' height='false']


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