This week we’ve got babies on the brain as a ready-to-pop Nikki sits down with Angela Sutherland and Evelyn Rusli, the founders of organic baby food company, Yumi. If you haven’t already spotted Yumi in Vogue, Goop, or Tech Crunch, just know that these ladies are pretty much revolutionizing a severely unregulated industry. (Yep, it’s pretty crazy that we live in a society that doesn’t regulate the food of our most susceptible population: our children.)

After realizing that the average baby food products derive 50% of their calories from fructose, Angela and Evelyn threw their own tantrum, then quit their day jobs and began providing a practical solution to the problem. Now, they’re delivering a clean nutrient-dense alternative right to the doors of conscious mamas — and they’ve managed to wrap it all up in adorable gender-neutral packaging.

Our knowledge and commitment to clean foods for our own health has exploded in recent years but we’re yet to reach that level of awareness for our little ones. If you’re a current mom, soon-to-be parent or just lover of all things babies, don’t be spoonfed by the conventional and commercial baby food industry, get the latest info about superfoods for super-babies from these superwomen.

Referenced in this episode:

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