Love Powered Co: Mini Mindfulness for Kids

“We don’t see this as a nice-to-have, but more as a necessary aspect of our well-being,” says Anna Lozano and Lindy Sood, founders of Love Powered Co, a company whose mission is to empower our children -- our future -- through mindfulness and affirmations geared specifically to them. The two friends came up with the idea for Love Powered following their own journeys through spiritual development. Long time friends and “soul sisters,” they embarked on spiritual paths simultaneously, exploring their own personal development as well as spiritual psychology. Sood had previously struggled with severe anxiety and learned to cope by shifting her perception of herself and the world through the use of positive self-talk. Lozano learned about affirmations from the book, You Can Heal Your Life, and used them to help empower herself through the difficult transition period of being a first-time mother. Through their individual journeys, Lozano and Sood began learning and practicing ways to focus on the present, using the tool of positive self-talk to strengthen their confidence and sense of self-worth. “We would share what we were learning, and as parents, began to talk about how we could share this information with our kids. We wanted to take all of the transformative thought that was making such a positive impact on our own lives, and share it with our kids in an easy, digestible way,” says Sood. After a search for the perfect tool to share this journey with their children, the two budding entrepreneurs saw a clear hole in the market, and Love Powered Co was born.  

In an increasingly chaotic world -- one that’s focused on social likes, instant gratification, and screen addiction -- Lozano and Sood firmly believe in the importance of teaching self-love to children from an early age.

Lozano explains, “Learning how to nestle ourselves in the moment and be aware of all our thoughts and feelings without judgement, connection with those who we love most on a deep and meaningful level, and learning how to love ourselves -- these are such important elements for all of us, especially our clean-slate littles who are learning who they are and creating the fabric of their belief systems.” Of course, the founders are adamant about using the tools they have created with their own children as often as possible. Sood and her brood use the cards every night before bed and in the morning before school, putting down the ever-present screens and focusing on the here and now, especially any particular issues the kids may be dealing with at the moment. Lozano and her daughter use the cards together as they read books before bed and she even reads a power card to her unborn child every night, as it's never too early to start the powerful work of mindfulness. The women stress the importance of Love Powered Co’s universal application, noting that while the tools are particularly special to the bond between mother and daughter, the values the company espouses need to be learned by all -- sons, daughters, parents, and grandparents.It is impossible to look at anything Love Powered Co offers and not smile -- offerings range from box sets of affirmation cards, to beautiful framed prints, and digital sets that can be used anywhere, including the classroom. After sending pre-launch editions of the affirmation cards, the friends received an overwhelmingly positive response from teachers and educators of all kinds. Eager to incorporate a philanthropic element into the business, they decided to give back to teachers. With every purchase of a digital version of the Love Powered Littles Box Set, another set is donated to a teacher in Love Powered Co’s wide ranging database. Teachers can also apply on their website for the chance to be gifted a free set. Love Powered Co’s success cannot be denied, and the brand has no intention of slowing down.

“We are mamas on a mission,” jokes Lozano when asked where she sees the company in the future. “We have huge hearts and huge visions and won’t stop until we Love Power this whole world!”

The company aims to become the go-to destination for mindful parents to buy beautiful, meaningful items to fuel the soul. With several new products in the pipeline, they are focused on bringing Love Powered Co to other age groups and across different platforms. “My goodness! Are we ever having fun with it all!” they laugh -- a clear indicator of a passion that can, indeed, take over the world.Francine Weiss is a NYC-based freelance writer focusing on culture and lifestyle topics. She also works as a corporate publicist, following several years in the fashion industry. A native of Manhattan, Francine enjoys reading, trying new restaurants, modern art, and unicorns.


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