Cancer, Casually: Alison Burgos

Sometimes you go looking for your purpose, and then, sometimes, it just finds you. In Alison Burgos’s case, it was the latter. But don’t let #inspoquotes fool you, finding your path isn’t always blissful... in fact, it can actually be quite painful.For Alison, there was no dreamy aha! moment that came to her after a juicy meditation. Her calling came after she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2008 which ultimately put her in a wheelchair for two years. It was that experience that led her to heal her body with a plant-based raw diet and it was that experience that led her to co-create SEED Food & Wine festival, a week-long celebration highlighting the benefits of plant-based living, wellness, and wine (for obvious reasons).The Miami festival has now expanded to the west coast, having recently kicked off an LA week in May (which, FYI, even included a “fireside chat” with Moby). SEED’s events regularly bring together about 10,000 attendees and some of the very best wellness talents in the biz.Alison’s personal and professional experience has basically turned her into a walking wellness Wikipedia -- especially on all things food and healing. So we were pretty stoked to sit down with her and pick her brain about the potent power of conscious food choices for the sake of our own personal health, energy levels, and for Mother Earth herself, obvi. Cue this episode up for the best in plant-based medicine, Netflix health docos, and advice on how to run your own wellness festival, nbd.Listen on iTunes.[soundcloud id='470497044' height='false']


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