Sweet Potato Brownies

These dairy-free, grain-free brownies have been a staple for me for a long time. I’ve spent literal years mastering their texture, and this iteration is just about perfect. Born from a monthly craving for something deeply chocolate-y but nutritionally dense as all get-out, these rely on sweet potatoes for their fudgy consistency. Feel free to use this recipe as a base for whatever your brownie-hungry heart desires: chopped macadamias, a pinch of cardamom or cayenne, a peanut butter swirl. I’m totally here for it.


6 cups Cooked Sweet Potato (or the flesh of approximately 4 large Baked Sweet Potatoes)⅔ cup Coconut Oil1 cup Almond Butter½ cup Almond Flour1½ cup Cocoa Powder1½ cup Coconut Sugar3 teaspoons Vanilla2 Eggs1 teaspoon Salt1 teaspoon Baking Powder1 teaspoon Baking Soda¼ cup Chopped, Toasted Pecans¼ cup Chocolate Chips (or Chopped Dark Chocolate Bar of your choice)


1 | Roast your sweet potatoes until very soft -- about 350 degrees for an hour and a half. Remove from heat, allow to cool so you don’t burn your fingers, and scoop out the flesh, being sure to remove any skin and hard bits.2 | Keep oven at 350 degrees. Combine first 9 ingredients in a large bowl and blend with an immersion blender or hand mixer until very smooth. 3 | Add baking powder and baking soda and fully incorporate. (Like, fully-fully. You don't want your brownies to taste like baking powder! Really blend this batter!) 4 | Grease an 8x8 inch square baking pan with coconut oil and pour batter into it. Sprinkle pecans and chocolate chips artfully on top. Bake for approximately 40 minutes. Alternately, bake in greased or papered cupcake tins for 25 minutes.5 | Allow to cool in the fridge overnight for proper brownies, but be sure to enjoy a warm, gooey spoonful or two to tide you over until they’re set.Rose Truesdale is a lifestyle writer and marketer, recipe developer, budding mystic, and former Midwesterner living in Berlin, Germany. She’s the founder of a wellness magazine and full-service creative agency called Truth and Beauty Berlin, and loves a new project. Email her at info@rosetruesdale.com or find her on Instagram @rosetruesdale.


White Page, Black Ink, Comics of Color


Ear Hustle: A Podcast from Prison