Healthcare Wishes with Tia

For many of us a trip to the doctor’s office elicits feelings of dread every single time. You postpone your annual checkups, tell yourself the pain isn’t real, and think up every excuse under the sun to just not go. And then, when you do finally muster up the courage to step foot into the cold halls of your local medical center, you’re so nervous you forget all your most important, pending questions.

Tia is here to make the process smoother. The healthcare app that’s designed for women, by women, was specifically created to make women’s experiences with their health more simple — and less scary. We recently interviewed co-founder Carolyn Witte about the creation of Tia, and now we’re participating in their mission to make an even better experience for women.

With the launch of Tia Clinics scheduled for the beginning of next year, the app is delving deep into their community to find the real concerns of women and healthcare providers, asking them to draft up their dream doctor’s visit “wishlists” so that they can more accurately “co-create” the Tia experience. They aim to make a healthcare experience that is “personal, compassionate, empowering, and designed explicitly through the female lens.” With this mission, they’re asking the general public to answer the following questions:

What do you love about your healthcare visits, and what do you hate?

What is “meh-but-tolerable” and what must change ?

If you could wave a magic wand and design your own care experience from the waiting room to the procedure room, what would it look like and how would it make you feel?

With this real world outlook on healthcare, Tia is making the healthcare system more accessible and less intimidating one woman at a time. They want the mindset around healthcare to change from stuffy hospital experience to rejuvenating wellness spa.

In fact, we got so excited just thinking about it, that we, too, made a wishlist. Check it out, and get inspired to create your own #GynoGoals.

The Fullest Dream Doctor’s Visit Wishlist:

1 | Everyone gets cute robes instead of those uncomfortable paper covers (that don’t actually cover anything)!

2 | Good music brings good vibes, so bye bye elevator music!

3 | Samples of coconut oil and organic products (like Living Libations, breast massage oil, yoni serum, etc.) are given out.

4 | A diffuser diffuses essential oils.

5 | There’s chill lighting — no florescent bulbs here!

6 | Lots of plants! Not only do plants bring a more homey vibe, they help air quality!

7 | Contemporary art pieces show that your provider cares about customers — and that they’re hip with the times!

8 | A fully stocked tea and tonic bar.

9 | A variety of holistic services are offered including acupuncture and abdominal and lymphatic massage.

10 | An infrared sauna is always a relaxing touch.

If enough of us start raising the bar for what we expect at the doc, then, with the help of Tia’s Clinics, doctor’s offices will begin to raise their bar on health. Win, win!


Cancer, Casually: Laura Rubin


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