7 Things with Carly Stein of Beekeeper’s Naturals

Carly Stein is the founder and CEO of Beekeeper’s Naturals, a natural health product company developing innovative bee-made nutraceuticals to provide effective natural solutions to modern day health problems.Carly was inspired by the use of bee products as a natural remedy while on exchange in Italy. Developing a severe case of tonsillitis she referred herself to an Italian pharmacy where she was given a mystery substance called ‘propolis,’ which is collected by bees from the buds of trees to repair their hives. After her recovery, she began to incorporate royal jellies, bee pollen, and other hive superfoods into her daily routine. In just a short time she saw health improvements across the board. This inspired a bee-keeping passion, and created a “bee-liever” mindset that eventually led to the foundation of Beekeeper’s Naturals.Today, Carly lives in Venice Beach and spends her time working to provide others with effective health tools while sharing the bee love. She is committed to raising awareness and funding for bees and promoting sustainable practices and pesticide-free bee keeping.We caught up with Carly to ask her to share with us the seven things she’s most vibing on at the moment. This is what she said:

1 | Medical application of CBD —

I’m so excited about the healing potential of CBD -- everything from its analgesic effects to its ability to aid sleep and reduce anxiety. As the medical and health industries discover new applications and delivery methods for CBD, this natural compound is going to make a big difference!

2 | Global communities saving the bees —

With honeybees being one of the world’s most important pollinators, the wellbeing of bees is a cause that deeply affects us all. These days, the state of the environment can feel depressing, but seeing large parts of the world wake up to the effects of pesticides, and then take action to build a safer habitat for bees is wildly inspiring. And it’s working, too! Governments, from Canada to Europe, are enacting laws to ban pesticides and protect bees.

3 | Plants —

I have a bit of a plant addiction. It started with me trying to create a bee-friendly habitat on my balcony and evolved into a deep exploration of the oxidative benefits of keeping plants around your home. Planting is one of the best ways to support pollinators, providing them a clean food source in our over-polluted, pesticide-laden world. (It’s basically like putting out an organic buffet for creatures that are eating the insect equivalent of McDonald’s McNuggets.) Plus, waking up inside my greenhouse is an instant uplift to my day!

4 | The Beach —

Things move fast at a startup and taking a minute to slow down and watch the water is one of the best gifts of the west coast.

5 | Powerful women or female collaboration —

Old friends and new connections have been playing an extra inspiring role in my life lately. We are in a time of female collaboration and I am often moved by the incredible woman I meet and their willingness to share, support, and collaborate. High tides raise all ships!

6 | Acupuncture —

I love exploring healing practices of other cultures and recently have been using acupuncture to reduce stress and promote balance. I have been working with Teresa of Golden Needle Acupuncture and am learning all about our bodies’ energy system -- the way different points correlate to organs and how we can incorporate acu points into our own self-care routines!

7 | My Team —

As Beekeeper’s grows we have been fortunate to build an incredibly talented and diverse team. At small companies everyone wears many hats and it can sometimes be challenging, but when everyone shares values, a passion for the products, and aligned goals of healing, it’s amazing what people can create. I’m inspired by the way everyone puts in the extra effort to turn problems into possibilities and the incredible things people can build when given the space to do so.


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