Jules Hunt’s Seven Favorite Things

Jules Hunt is the creator of the popular wellness lifestyle blog, Om & The City. Daily, Jules engages a rapidly growing community of over 45,000 yogis, foodies, and entrepreneurs. She has been featured by top wellness sites such as mindbodygreen and Well+Good and works with industry leaders like Outdoor Voices, Athleta, and Adidas. Beyond the blog, Jules is a certified yoga instructor, proud dog mama, and major plant lady.We caught up with the entrepreneur to ask her to share the seven things she’s vibing on most at the moment. This is what she said:

1 | Prioritizing my gut health --

For the past several months I've worked with a functional medicine doctor at Parsley Health to heal my gut. I finally figured out my food allergies and sensitivities, and while it's not easy to restrict things I used to love, I feel so much better than before. I’ve also found my groove in the kitchen and am taking vitamins and herbs to boost my system. I've even quit hormonal birth control, which was a silent contributor to a lot of my gut issues.

2 | My dog, Luna --

I'm so in love with her it's ridiculous. I love taking her out to the park and walking around the neighborhood. She reminds me to take a break from the screen and live in the moment.

3 | Connecting with people IRL --

The community that surrounds me online is such a blessing and I wanted to connect with these amazing people beyond Instagram. So I started hosting meaningful events and meet-ups in NYC, LA, PDX, and Cincinnati.

4 | Making my own nut milk --

Most store brands have gums and added sugar, so I enjoy making my own nut milk at home. It's actually very easy if you have a quality high-speed blender like Vitamix and a nut milk bag. I make weekly batches of cashew milk, and it's just as therapeutic as making my morning matcha lattes.

5 | Investment and money managing apps --

At an early age my dad ingrained the importance of money management and investing. It's empowering to be able to handle this on my own, but it can be intimidating if it's not your forte. Here are a few apps that I like: Quickbooks Self-Employed to help with tracking expenses for tax filing, Betterment for short and long-term investing, and Clarity to track your everyday spending habits.

6 | Domestic travel --

I used to book a trip out of the country every chance that I could. However, this year I've spent quite a bit of time traveling within the US and I have a newfound appreciation for it! There are so many cool cities to explore -- my two favorites at the moment are Austin and Portland.

7 | Having more fun --

I am prioritizing having as much fun as possible in everything that I do. It's easy to get caught up in stressful moments, but I do what I do for a living because I love it. My friend, Remy, recently inspired me when she said that we should rephrase all that we have to do, and think of it as all that we get to do. I think that's very clever and couldn't be more true!


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