Megan Alexandra

Megan Alexandra of Gitana is an LA-based holistic health practitioner and beauty expert. She has dedicated her life to becoming a shaman and healer so that she may help others live their healthiest — and most attractive lives — both inside and out.

She services all of LA County and will come to you to offer one of her many services, including, but not limited to, crystal therapy, chakra balancing and personal skin consultation. (Zooey Deschanel and Paris Hilton have both been clients!)

We caught up with the busy healer to ask her to share with us the seven things most inspiring her life at the moment. This is what she said:

1 | My own shamanic expedition — After traveling to Peru on a shamanic expedition, followed by a move to Canada to continue my studies and training for holistic and spiritual healing modalities, I felt as though I was finally learning what I had waited my whole life to learn. I started spending nine hours a day, every day, learning how to heal myself, so I could, in turn, learn how to teach others how to heal themselves. I healed myself of two "incurable" diseases, uncovered my wounds, peeled back all the layers of my being, released emotional and physical trauma, found profound symbolism behind every single thing happening in my life at a physical manifestation, tapped into my intuition more deeply, and found purpose and beauty in my pain, and light within the darkness. For the first time in my life, I was fully seen, heard, and felt, and I was able to learn how to truly step into my gifts more deeply and powerfully and use the energy in the right way. 

2 | My soul sister, Brandy — It was by chance that we met when I hurt my hand. I had an accident cooking and could have lost function of my hand permanently if my surgeon, Dr. Gabbay (Gabbay Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills) didn't decide to give me emergency surgery. His assistant and receptionist happened to be Brandy, and I promised myself that when my hand healed enough to operate normally, I would leave for Peru to receive my rights of passage to becoming a shaman. Right before I ventured to Peru, on my last visit to the doctor’s office, Brandy asked me to go to lunch where she confessed she was interested in shamanism, as well as other worlds of energy. Her spirit was called to connect with me even though she didn't know why at the time. Today, she has blossomed into a beautiful flower of divine love and light and is practicing energy work and even getting trained in spiritual modalities herself. She told me that because I hurt my hand, I was brought into her life and she found her purpose. An "accident" that has now led us into a new sacred and beautiful business with each other. I now, more than ever before, am inspired to join forces with powerful women, weave my dreams into being, not be afraid to go for it, live my true purpose, let my intuition be my compass in life, and keep dissolving self doubt.

3 | Burning Man — There are no words that could articulate the experience or encompass what it truly is. I'm continuously taking it all in and integrating everything I have learned at this utmost transformative gathering. It is simply a way of being. It taught me, and continues to teach me, to dissolve what we think we know and shatter all paradigms of fear, scarcity and limitation. It is a place where time and space do not exist and where one dissolves all notions of what was previously felt as “reality." A place where one can  surrender to the organic flow of life and infinite possibilities. It reveals your own reflections within everything and everyone.

4 | My intuition — It leads and inspires me daily, allowing me to be my own guide in life. I am constantly reminded to be my own mom, my own lover, my own best friend, and to love myself in all the ways I wish to be loved. It shows me truth in all situations and enables me to see past the illusion. When I set my ego aside, I see everyone as spirit. This reminds me to always choose to be kind, loving and compassionate. We are all in this together and all on this planet to love and be love. 

5 | My (step)mom — She taught me the embodiment of a true sacred and beautiful woman connected to nature and all living things. I am inspired daily by a childhood memory of her pulling over on the side of the road on the way to the beach in Malibu, to get out of the car and take in the beautiful view of the poppy flowers. Observing her for that one moment — her passion for nature, pollinators, and giving back to the earth — changed my life forever without her even knowing it. I was the same way as a little girl, but no one ever taught me to be that way. I spent hours connecting to nature and it filled my spirit with joy and the sweet nectar of life. This woman came into my life as a teenager, and reminded me of my true essence. I became a woman just like her, because I always remember to take in all of the beauty that is around us at any given moment. I notice every bee, every flower, every bird, every scent, and feel infinitely grateful for Mother Nature who gives us everything we need. She is my best friend and soulmate in this life and our lives are so parallel to one another's in indescribable ways. Although she couldn't be my vessel into this life, she most definitely was meant to be my mom. 

6 | My clients — Facilitating healing and beauty services on my clients heals me as well, because giving is truly the same as receiving. Learning other's stories helps me to be deeply compassionate in my daily life and never judge anyone by their past and their wounds. No one's wounds are any worse than anyone else's. We are all wounded and we all need love. Each day I become less afraid to share my story with others. I can be my most authentic self to those I encounter; spirit animals, fairies, aura colors, spirit guides and all! My life is constant synchronicity and magic. My inner world directly reflects my outer world. The more I love myself, the more I can love others, and the greater the ripple effect occurs.

7 | Animal medicine, feather magic and nature — I have always collected dream catchers, crystals and connected to fairies and the elemental realm. I feel deeply connected to my guides, plant spirits, natures' elements and the profound messages that I receive daily. Every single animal has specific symbolism and teaches us and guides us in the most powerful and beautiful of ways. I've learned to use feathers and connect to different bird totems and the wind element, to cleanse and dust the auric field of debris, energetic blockages and negative energy. I use them to heal, purify, honor and attune to animal totems in order to continue this conscious awakening of our ancient relationship to the animal world — to truly connect to what their magic has to offer. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't feel the messages from Great Spirit as it flows through me as a sensation and then becomes a vision or shows up in my meditations, dreams, or waking life. 


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