Nadine Artemis

Nadine Artemis is the goddess sorceress of the finest elements on this planet.

Specifically, she’s the Founder and CEO of Living Libations -- the ultimate beauty brand which is comprised of the highest quality plant oils-turned-elixirs that transform your skin, hair and mouth. Nadine has personally sought out essential oil distillers from the time she was in high school. Anyone who is in the health industry will tell you, she’s the OG and one of the true leading authorities on essential oils. The first time I met her at The Longevity Now Conference many years back, all I could muster to say to her was “I love you.” I truly meant that in the most honorable way. Ever since I discovered this woman, I’ve admired her inspired self, her magnetism, curiosity, and that she always seems to be looking deeper. We recently caught up with Nadine to ask what seven things are most inspiring her life at the moment. This is what she said:1 | The sun -- The sun is our ancient friend and basking in its warm rays lubricates my cells and my soul. It sets alight my creativity and my energy.2 | Our cool, spring-fed lake -- It’s a year-round source of joy and beauty for me. I swim in it, drink from it, and admire its sparking blues in summer and its glistening iciness in winter.3 | My son -- It is so fun conversing with a nine-year-old! He is full of wisdom, creativity and laughter. His imagination and zest for life and beauty inspire me daily.4 | Renegade Beauty -- Finishing my manuscript for Renegade Beauty makes me very happy. This book has been percolating in my heart and mind for many years, and it feels so good to get it out.5 | Poetry -- Right now I’m reading Soul Fury, a collection of Rumi poems. My favorite versions of Rumi are written by Coleman Barks.6 | Sandalwood Best Skin Ever -- I love the warmth and richness of sandalwood essential oil and sandalwood nut oil, and I when I anoint my body with it in the morning I get whiffs of the oil from my skin all day.7 | Skin-to-skin contact with the Earth -- After the winter it feels so good to lie upon the earth and recalibrate myself to the energizing elements of Creation.


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