Julia Sherman

Julia Sherman is a Brooklyn-based mixed-media artist, photographer, writer and cook. She received her BFA from Rhode Island School of Design and her MFA from Columbia University. She is the creator of Salad for President, and has served as a contributing artist and writer to Triple Canopy, White Zinfandel, Lucky Peach and Cabinet Magazine. Additionally, her visual art has been shown at New York’s Museum of Modern Art, the Sculpture Center in Long Island City, Recess and the Jewish Museum. Julia was also the founder of the Los Angeles artist-run gallery Workspace, and has apprenticed with a weaver, a wig-maker and a cobbler. It’s safe to say her talents are vast, and we are truly inspired by everything that she does. We recently caught up with Julia to ask her what the seven things are that are most inspiring her:1 | Travel-- Even in New York we can get stuck in our routines, but visiting a new city or country is like a jolt to the system and a wake up call for all of your senses. I recently took a trip to Vietnam and have been cooking Vietnamese food since. 2 | Nonprofits-- I am inspired by those people who have committed their lives to nonprofit work. I’ve been using my cooking and events to do some good lately, in an attempt to throw more of my energy towards the causes that are so seriously imperiled with this current administration. It's been wonderful to see my community eager to give back in such dark times. 3 | My Grandmother-- My grandmother, Ruth Sherman, is 93 and lives alone. She's classy, positive and appreciates every moment of her life, even on the less-than-awesome days. I have always had a real connection with older people and find their confidence incredibly uplifting and contagious. 4 | Friends-- My fine artist friends and mentors continue to inspire me.  5 | Immigrants-- As a natural born American citizen, it’s impossible to imagine what it would be like to leave your family behind and come to a country that's entirely unknown. I have seen so many immigrants work tirelessly to build a life, support their families and live with dignity. I find that humbling and something I wish we celebrated more often in this country. 6 | My Garden-- Even in the dead of winter, my garden is always changing and there's always something to learn.7 | Joana Avillez-- My friend, Joana, is sitting across from me right now at JFK and I've never seen anybody look so good drinking a Bloody Mary and reading the New Yorker.


The Fullest Book Club: East of Eden


Bicker Better with Esther Perel