Henry Buhl on Giving a Damn

Henry Buhl is a lot of things. He’s a Wall Street pioneer, a philanthropist, a photographer and an art collector. But perhaps his proudest accomplishment has been becoming a sort of “savior” to New York City’s homeless population.

In this video, shot at his Soho apartment (which is more of a mini-art museum) Mr. Buhl tells The Fullest the story of how he initially started working with New York’s down-and-out street sweepers, providing first one man a job cleaning the streets of Soho, and then eventually having it become a whole coalition called A.C.E., The Association of Community Employment Programs. These 4 to 6 month programs are provided with the intention and sources to help homeless men and women secure full-time jobs and permanent housing.

If you weren’t already in love with this kind-hearted man (we're fairly certain all of New York already is), we guarantee you will be by the end of this 8-minute clip!

[arve url="https://youtu.be/Ls8VSCCO9Hw" /]


Erica Dunn


Jordan Bach