Abandoned-- A Response to Trump's Healthcare Plan

On Thursday, May 4th the house passed a measure to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act. We hope these words put a feeling to the impact our decisions will have on our fellow citizens with disabilities and pre-existing health conditions.


It’s shocking how similar it feels 

to be abandoned by your country, 

as by a parent.


It aches in the same deep, foundation-shaking way

to realize how easily 

those charged to lead and protect you

can turn their back

when you become inconvenient.


In your first one hundred days

you have steadfastly endeavored to take from the least of us,

though you garnered thousands upon thousands of votes

as the self-proclaimed upholders of Christianity.

What kind of mental and moral gymnastics

allow you to rest your head peacefully?


I cannot blame the father

who believed you’d bring back his job

so that he could provide for his family.


I cannot blame the new citizen,

who practices her religion with devotion,

when she believed her turn-coat pastor

as he paraded the very men and women who will worsen her lot

as the Godly choice.


But I do blame you,

who the people have entrusted with power and duty,

for abandoning me.  


Do you realize the line on your budget sheet,

that you cross off so easily,

amounts to years of my life spent suffering,

without treatment or cure

or ability to contribute to my community?


There are millions like me.


What did we do to deserve your loathing,

or worse,

your apathy?


Easier to label us bad or lazy

than to acknowledge the harsh reality

that sometimes life can lay you flat,

despite doing all the right things.


Sometimes circumstance has removed your bootstraps,

and your boots,

and your feet,

so you look to the society to which you have belonged,

contributed and pledged loyalty,

and with no other choice,

ask to be carried.


But you, the sworn in guardians of this great nation,

have drawn a line through me.


You vote against— 

the healthcare that can sustain me,

the science that can cure me,

the social security that is my only livelihood,

my chance at a life of dignity.


You have traded me

for an extra bag of coin,

piled on top of the mountains already held

by a handful of glutinous kings.

For the favor of the powerful few,

you have sacrificed me

so easily.


You have abandoned the millions like me—

the least of your countrymen with the greatest of need.

You have shamed the heart and soul of this country.

That will be your legacy.


Do you want to know the saddest thing?

You have laid out your colors so clearly,

but the foolish child inside

still hopes you will change course

and come back for me.


The adult knows my best chance isn’t with you, but with we. 

This is still democracy.

Even you must yield to the will of the many

if they choose to stand for me. 


Guru Jagat


10 Days Without a Phone