Spirulina Thin Mints

To be totally honest with you, I don’t actually know what happens in Girl Scouts other than them selling cookies. Does anyone know? Do the parents know? I do know that there are vests involved. Whatever the case, everyone and their mom seems to have some sort of nostalgic fantasy with the cookies they sell-- Thin Mints being their top sellers.  Knowing that the traditional thin mint we know and love was probably devised in a laboratory, we went to our lab, the kitchen, to devise a cookie made up of whole food. To our surprise, we were blown away (figuratively, no explosives used) when we tested it. It was a smashing success on the first attempt, and get this, when frozen, they’re nearly verbatim to the traditional Girl Scout thin mint!  If right now you’re like, SPIRULINA though? We know, we know... the flavor is unanimously gnarly, but it’s totally unnoticeable in this final product. These thin mints are 100% kid approved; the cookie of the future. Which has us thinking, the future's looking pretty sweet (sans Trump, of course).  thin-mints-1| INGREDIENTS |COOKIE:½ cup Coconut Sugar⅓ cup Coconut Oil¼ cup Cacao Powder3 tablespoons Almond Flour½ tablespoon Buckwheat½ tablespoon Mesquite1 teaspoon Lucuma¼ teaspoon Sea Salt2-5 drops Peppermint Essential Oil1 | Combine all of the ingredients in a medium bowl until thoroughly combined. Wrap plastic wrap over the bowl and chill the batter in the fridge for about 15 minutes.  2 | Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper. (The trickiest part of this recipe is shaping the thin mints-- wet hands make the batter easier to work with.) Roll a small amount of batter in your hands and press into ¼ inch thick circles on the parchment.3 | Wrap the cookie sheet in plastic wrap and set the pan in the freezer until completely firm (about 1-2 hours).  CHOCOLATE COATING:1½ ounce Chocolate Bar, chopped¼ cup + 2 tablespoons Cacao Butter, chopped1 teaspoon SpirulinaPeppermint Essential OilNOTE: You can use any chocolate for the coating. If you have a favorite mint chocolate, use that. I like to use Sacred Chocolate’s Mint Bar or Lily’s Original Bar. If you choose to use a chocolate that isn’t mint flavored, add a drop or two of peppermint essential oil to the mixture when you add in the spirulina.| ASSEMBLY |1 | Melt the cacao butter on a pan over low heat. Once the cacao butter is melted, throw in your chocolate bar pieces. Use a wood utensil to keep the chocolate moving in the pan and prevent burning. Once the chocolate is melting, remove from heat and whisk in the spirulina.2 | Take your cookies out of the freezer and one by one, dip them into the chocolate mixture, using a fork or slotted spoon to hold the cookie. Flip the cookies so that they get an even coating of the chocolate mixture and then return them to the parchment. Do this with each cookie. If you have more chocolate left after the first round of dipping, dip the cookies again into the chocolate to coat.  3 | Wrap the tray in plastic wrap and return the cookies to the freezer until firm. Once they are solid, you can transfer them to a sealed container and store them in the freezer.  Cheers!  


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