Dr. Northrup

Dr. Christiane Northrup is America’s go-to doc for all things menopause. She got her start as a practicing physician in obstetrics and gynecology and has since become a New York Times bestselling author (“Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom,” “The Wisdom of Menopause” and “Goddesses Never Age”) and international speaker who teaches women how to embrace the changes that happen in their bodies as they age. She has been a frequent guest on The Oprah Winfrey show, as well as having made appearances on The View, Rachael Ray, 20/20 and The Dr. Oz Show among others. In between hosting her weekly radio program and launching her beauty product line, The Fullest caught up with Dr. Northrup to ask her to share the top seven things she is most interested in right now. This is what she had to say:1 | Pilates-- I love my bi-weekly sessions with my intuitive teacher Hope Matthews at Sparhawk Pilates.2 | Playing the harp-- It’s something I started in high school and did throughout med school and residency. Now, instead of the big concert grand gold harp, I enjoy making music on a much smaller and more portable Celtic harp with the emphasis on playing for pure enjoyment, not performance. 3 | Living in Maine-- I revel in the lushness of summer on a tidal river and the change of seasons as they arrive.4 | Dancing the Argentine Tango-- I especially enjoy dancing the Close Embrace Argentine Tango with my tango community at PORTANGO… especially the Wednesday night practica!5 | Using the Divine Love self-healing system-- From the World Service Institute, I use it for guidance and healing on a daily basis.6 | Creating and marketing my product line-- Through A-ma-ta I help women with menopausal and menstrual symptoms.7 | Doing my weekly radio show Flourish! on Hay House Radio-- I get to talk with people all over the world and inspire them to use their own power to live healthier, more joyful, lives.  It’s like the very best part of being a doctor, but now I’m a teacher too!


Don’t Call Me a Tourista


I Just Can’t Be Vegan Anymore