Suze Yalof Schwartz

Suze Yalof Schwartz is the founder of Unplug Meditation in Santa Monica. She is a pioneer in the mindfulness movement based out of LA. A native New Yorker, she formerly had her dream job as Executive Fashion Editor-at-Large of Glamour Magazine. Although tough for her to leave her career behind, she and her family moved across the country and soon enough, Suze discovered the many benefits of meditation. Having found a gap in the LA wellness scene, Suze embarked on creating an accessible and inviting space for anyone to incorporate meditation into their daily lives. From young children to corporate executives, Unplug’s impact has reverberated throughout the community and continues to do so with their online classes and upcoming book. Suze shared with us the top seven things making her life better right now:1 | Face Oil-- Ever since Bobbi Brown told me that face oil is the key to youthful skin I have been using it every day. I love goop by Juice Beauty right now. It smells amazing and has great ingredients.2 | Fawntice Finesse Vibe Pack-- This is next level and has totally enhanced my meditation. I got it from Don Estes (you have to try his studio it is the trippiest place on the planet). You simply plug in your music and the vibration goes through your body. I use it with Tibetan Singing Bowls and it’s AWESOME! (Though having Tibetan Singing Bowls actually played ON your body is even better.)3 | Crystals-- They’re a lot like cookies, I never met one I didn't like! I am loving Massive Raw, Rose Quartz, Large Pyrite and Carnelian right now! 4 | Unplug: A Simple Guide To Meditation For Busy Skeptics and Modern Soul Seekers-- This book was a true labor of love and took us almost two years to write. I know that everyone who reads this will walk away with a full understanding of what meditation is and isn't and the easy tools needed to start. Available for pre-order now. 5 | Having my favorite meditation teachers in my pocket-- Because I am working so hard on the business side of Unplug I find that I can't get into the classes as much. I decided to have my favorite teachers make online classes of my favorite meditations so I can do it on my time morning, noon and night. They came out amazing and it’s like having all of my favorite people over to chill me out any time I need them!6 | The photographer Gray Malin-- I love his aerial shots!7 | Fresh flowers-- I always have fresh flowers all over my office, studio, and home. Bright pink peonies are my absolute favorite!


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