Natalie Kuhn

Natalie Kuhn is a performer. Her love for theatre led her across the country from LA to New York to study at University’s Tisch School of the Arts. There she studied physical theater methods and focused on the change that movement and storytelling can have on groups of people.Once she graduated, she took her talent to the stage, touring throughout the world as a dancer with various acts like David Byrne and the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. After having her fill of the fast-paced, jet-setting lifestyle she decided to lay her roots back in California, where she found a position heading up the LA branch of Taryn Toomey’s popular cathartic mind-body experience, The Class.Here she seeks a more personal connection with her community and desires to effect a deeper change within her audience. Her audience is now her students and in her classes she strives to help others heal by offering empowering, vigorous, and athletic challenges.We caught up with Natalie to ask her to share the seven things she is most interested in right now. Here is what she said:1 | David Whyte-- He is my favorite poet. But as with all great poets, I tend to think of him as more of a philosopher. When I’m in my car I put on one of his talks. When I’m heading to bed I’ll read a poem or two. His (often hilarious) lectures brilliantly integrate his musings on life with the craftsmanship of his art. You better believe that my alarm is set for when tickets go on sale to hear him speak in Santa Monica this November. See you there!2 | My Everyday Go-To Smoothie-- I’m a creature of comfort and breakfast is no exception. After teaching The Class in the morning, I go home and make this smoothie: 1 serving of Moon Juice powder probiotics, 1 serving of Beauti-fuel Protein Powder by Food Coach, 1 cup frozen berries, 1 cup coconut water, all the spinach, blend and drink. Yum!3 | Mandeville Canyon Hike-- Nothing clears my head after a day’s work more than a sunset hike up Westridge off of Mandeville Road. They allow dogs off-leash so my rescue pup, Coop, and I take the 15 minute drive to the start of the path. Depending on how I’m feeling, I’ll either book it up the hilly path or leisurely walk along the even path.4 | Bath Soak by Pursoma-- After 13 years of NYC apartments, I finally have a tub in my LA home. I’m so in love with how Pursoma’s Minerals de Mer make my skin and body feel that we decided to include it in our Wellness Kit for The Layer, which is The Class’s 10-day detox program.5 | Overnight Oats by Beaming-- My gal Ksenia of Breakfast Criminals teamed up with Lisa of Beaming to create the most delicious superfood breakfast bar. The overnight oats with Jem almond butter is what dreams are made of.6 | Bike Riding Down to the Marina-- When I was little, my dad used to bike with me down to the Canals in the Marina because he told me that this ONE bodega was the ONLY place that had Snickers Ice Cream Bars-- which was hot on the market back then. Much to his chagrin, I found them in our local grocery a few months later and said “Dad! We don’t need to bike the 12 mile round trip anymore!” Now my husband and I take the same ride down the beach path just for fun… (and for the Snickers).7 | Ojai-- 90 minutes from LA is where I recharge. We like to stay at Caravan Outpost which is home to 10 beautiful airstreams surrounding a big bonfire. We have made some wonderful friends who own incredible retail utopias like In The Fields, DeKor, and Tipple & Ramble. We stop in to see Calvin at Thacher House (where we’ll be hosting our West Coast Fall Retreatment) who is always making an incredible cheese from scratch or gathering eggs from his hen house. We then pop up to Meditation Mount to meditate and take in the view of the entire Ojai Valley.


Shoshin: Wake Up Your Beginner’s Mind


Expect Everything, Get Nothing