Guru Jagat on Victory

Simply put, Guru Jagat is one of the most influential women we know. As a successful business owner, leader, and published author, Guru Jagat is the teacher reminding us to stay grounded, focused, and informed. According to her, spirituality doesn’t mean you need to lose your sense of humor; it’s simply a way of being. It’s not about how much time you spend in meditation (although she’s a zealot when it comes to meditating) but more so how you apply what you learn into your practice, workplace, and everyday world. Her classes always include a lecture-- which we love-- because just listening to her talk is a form of meditation in itself (as is saying her name out loud)! Watch this video, and we guarantee you’ll fall in love with this badass street kid-turned-Guru.


Victory is a Journey; A Modern Kaizen Approach


The Recipe that Squashes Traditions by Flora Ex Machina