Jaime Kowal

Four years ago Jaime Kowal left Canada and moved to Palm Springs on a whim. Since then she’s created a handful of some of Palm Springs’ most successful businesses (like seriously a full handful— there’s five, with more on the way). Under the umbrella of The Desert Collective, they include The Amado, The Junipero, Bootlegger Tiki, and Ernest Coffee, and then the one in Joshua Tree that’s still kind of hush-hush but who a little birdie (her) told us is going to be a yoga retreat. YES!Jaime is a serial entrepreneur who, at the age of eight, wrote a business plan for her school because she felt there were ample opportunities to reinvent her school experience. Did we mention she was eight?She's since carried that gusto with her into her adult life. Before Palm Springs snagged her, her career as a photographer took her all over the world, taking clients such as the New York Times, Conde Nast Traveler, and Vogue Living Australia. Who else do you know who has photographed both the Dalai Lama and Justin Timberlake? She was nominated as a ’40 under 40’ by Palm Springs Life Magazine and has even graced the cover of Thrive Magazine.As if that’s not enough, she’s written an award-winning book called Waking Up the West Coast: Healers and Visionaries, in which she spent three years traveling throughout British Columbia interviewing experts about politics, education, culture, and health.The Fullest just knew we (and you!) would benefit by having her teach us some tips of the trade so we asked her to share the seven things that are making her life better at the moment. Here they are:1 | Kundalini Yoga— The Desert Collective is currently building an intimate yoga retreat in Joshua Tree designed for small groups to be able to practice in nature. I took my teacher training in Kundalini Yoga over ten years ago which is helping to inform this project on a professional level, but on a personal level it continues to ground me when things get busy. When I practice, I find I have more space and flow in my life. I also like that you can target certain things with the different exercises called kriyas— for instance you can do a kriya to specifically target your liver, your spine, or even a sense of fear. 2 | Parra for Cuva— I’ve had this Spotify radio station on repeat for a number of months. The songs feature complex instrumentals and elements of house, piano compositions, and downtempo. It’s the perfect backdrop for working on creative projects throughout the day. 3 | Sun Potion Herbs— My friend Tori Holmes has a fantastic juice bar in Vancouver called Nectar Juicery and she introduced me to Sun Potion which are wildcrafted and mineral-rich medicinal plants, superfoods, and tonic herbs. Tori is particularly enthusiastic about the adaptogenic herbs which, when taken over a lifetime, help to reduce stress and create balance. I’ve been taking them in my smoothies every morning.4 | Time with friends— I love my varied and diverse group of friends and spending time with them laughing and connecting always recharges me in ways I cherish. I have an open door policy so my friends are often stopping by for a potluck, to hang by the pool, or to walk my dog! It’s a great sense of community.5 | Acupuncture— I go once a month for acupuncture which always helps to balance my energy. I’ll also go if I feel like I’m getting sick or particularly tired… I feel the effects immediately and always have a jump in my step afterwards!6 | Travel— I’ve always been an adventurer and traveler. I like to keep things new and different, and traveling provides me with the gift of design inspiration, a fresh perspective on life, or a new friend.7 | Humor— I love to laugh and play. My friends send funny videos and links throughout the day which I always get a kick out of!


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