Happy Habits With Kyle Miller

Kyle Miller is lovable, fun, and she smiles a lot. It’s easy to see why she has a following that stems from New York to LA— one that includes everyone from locals to yogi superstars to the Olsen twins. She’s down to earth, makes you feel immediately comfortable, and has a teaching style that’ll make you want to keep coming back.Yoga was introduced to her as a simple way to get a good workout in, but quickly became much more than that. It became a lifestyle, leading her on a journey to India where she partook in an intensive teacher-training course that forever changed her life. Currently living in LA, she helped bring Montauk’s popular Love Yoga to Venice Beach's artsy Lincoln Street where it is thriving-- open year-round offering multiple classes, workshops, and retreats.Throughout the many years it's taken her to hone her craft, Kyle has learned numerous lessons both on and off the mat. P+S recently caught up with her to chat about what techniques she uses to cultivate happiness, why she believes she’s the luckiest girl in the world, and what mantra she lives by. Her tips for living a fulfilled life are inspiring and powerful. She reminds us that no one is in control of our minds but ourselves, and that we must make happiness a habit... which sounds like a happy habit we can get behind!https://youtu.be/smOtvsmvuFg


Happiness is a Dangling Carrot


Beet Chips with Herbed Yogurt