Bianca Moran

There’s no shortage of inspiring entrepreneurs and creatives in Los Angeles, but Bianca Moran stands out from the crowd. A committed vegan, she created the first vegan and gluten-free restaurant in the Philippines (where she was born) in 2015. That alone would be a remarkable achievement for most, but it was just the beginning for Bianca. This summer, she also launched a vegan shoe line called SUSI Studio, which is based here in LA. Bianca’s designs for SUSI are gorgeous and inspired, but are first and foremost cause-driven and mindful. She strives to make vegan footwear that is both accessible and fashionable in order to promote conscious living and inspire compassion towards humanity, animals, and the environment. With her polished look and warm spirit, Bianca herself is a natural embodiment of her brand, and she inspires positive change wherever she goes. Here, we learn the top seven things keeping this talented vegan designer on top of her game:bianca-moran-21 | Argan Oil-- Lazy girl tip número uno: stock up on argan oil. My morning and night skincare routine is about as simple as it gets-- I use water and argan oil for EVERYTHING.2 | Getting Lost in the Supermarket-- Having set up a restaurant, it’s no surprise I love food. What I find nearly as exhilarating as eating is the hunt for ingredients, for fresh produce, and for new restaurants and stores. I frequent Rainbow Acres and the Mar Vista Farmer’s Market, and when I feel particularly naughty, I venture out to the eastside for some Donut Friend.3 | Friends and Family-- This may be a little cliché for most, but I’ve really come to appreciate the connections I’ve made over the years. I was incredibly inward and introspective as a child but have since realized that sharing is everything. Having dinner with friends or a loved one at the end of a long week always manages to lift my spirits.4 | The Ocean-- Growing up, my mother would drag us to the beach whenever she got the chance to. As a result, I took it for granted and actively avoided the beach as a teen. I’ve come full circle since and am completely enamored by the ocean. There’s nothing quite as soothing as looking out into the ocean and watching the waves disappear onto the shore.5 | Music-- As much as I love my records, I don’t think I could live (or would want to live) without Spotify. An infinite playlist in your pocket? Who wouldn’t want that? I love recreating the soundtrack of my life over and over and over again. I listen to everything from the Who to Minor Threat to Claude Debussy to Slayer to Billie Holiday to the Jam to the National. The list goes on.6 | Green Juice-- It’s the strangest thing. I have a serious sweet tooth (Cookie Monster might be my spirit animal), but I’ve never really taken to sweet juices. Green juice, however, is the perfect beverage. It’s light, crisp, and delicious when done right. I love Juice Served Here’s J3 Jinjå Greens, Green Meadow and Northstar at The Springs, and Moon Juice’s Gracious Greens.7 | Quiet Time-- This one’s pretty self-explanatory. Quiet. Time.Photographs by: Marielena Verdugo.


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