Meryl Pritchard

Meryl Pritchard believes in living an 80/20 lifestyle— 80% healthy, 20% indulgent. It’s a lifestyle that people can relate to and a lifestyle she has incorporated into her brand. As a holistic health coach she services many of LA’s top entertainment industry professionals and is the founder of Kore Kitchen, an organic meal delivery service that focuses on whole foods that are seasonal, sustainable, and locally sourced. Originally from Boulder, Meryl has received an impressive education all over the world. She attended FIDM in LA, John Cabot University in Rome, and La Sorbonne in Paris before settling back in the City of Angels. She uses her learnings to help private clients change their lives through the theories of bio-individuality and primary foods, while Kore Kitchen provides clients with custom whole-food based cleanses and healthy meals right to their front door. Her nutritional philosophy is simple: eat whole, organic foods, so P+S thought it would be wise to ask her a bit of simple and to the point life advice. Here are the seven things that are most inspiring to the talented Ms. Pritchard at the moment.1 | Adopting a ‘Zero Waste’ lifestyle-- After seeing a video by Lauren Singer from Trash is for Tossers and reading Bea Johnson's book 'Zero Waste Home', I made a commitment to myself and the planet to no longer send any trash to the landfills. My trash bin is now my recycling bin, and everything else gets reused or composted. It has completely changed my life and I will never go back. 2 | A Course in Miracles-- I recently attended one of Marianne Williamson's Monday night lectures in LA for the first time. Her lectures are based off of this book, and I was so inspired by what she said I bought the book afterwards and have been doing the lessons everyday since. It's an interesting course that guides you towards a spiritual transformation. There's a short lesson for every single day of the year. I'm really enjoying it and look forward to each lesson as if it's a special little treat.3 | Kundalini Yoga-- I started practicing Kundalini after going through a difficult breakup to help reconnect with myself and ease my heart and mind. It's less yoga for exercise and more yoga for the mind. I go to Nine Treasures in West Hollywood once or twice a week and find that it helps keep me balanced and calm. I look forward to it every week.4 | 100% Pure makeup-- Their makeup is completely derived from fruit, vegan, and is never tested on animals. My concealer is made from apricot and goji berries, while my mascara is made from black tea. You can recognize every ingredient on the label which is extremely rare for cosmetics. Your skin is your largest organ and what you put on it gets absorbed directly into your bloodstream. Home and beauty products often have very harmful chemicals that can wreak havoc on your endocrine system so it's important to look for organic, chemical free brands like 100% pure.5 | Photography-- I recently acquired a used Fuji camera from my favorite photographer Tyler William Parker. Part of living ‘Zero Waste’ means buying what you can used instead of new. I have been teaching myself how to use it which is fun because I'm seeing the world through a whole new lens, literally. It's become my new passion and I'm really enjoying taking pictures of my food!6 | That's So Retrograde podcast-- Since I'm in my car a lot I like to listen to podcasts and this is, hands down, my favorite one. Elizabeth and Stephanie have a really cool dynamic with each other. Every topic and guest they have has to do with wellness and is something I'm interested in. I enjoy how they approach these topics in a fun and relaxed way. I think a lot of people take health and nutrition topics too seriously and these girl know how to break it down.7 | Shilajit-- I was feeling really stressed out which is a normal feeling for entrepreneurs who are under a lot of pressure. I was worried that I had shot my adrenals so I went to Erewhon (my favorite health food store) and discovered Shilajit, which is also known as "the destroyer of weakness." It's a resin from the Himalayas that is really mineral rich in Fulvic acid. They found animals eating it and feeling good, so they started sourcing it for humans. It's a sticky tar like substance and you only need a very small amount, (about the size of a grain of rice.) I put it under my tongue because I've come to like the mineral flavor, but you can also dilute it in water. Its benefits are deep rejuvenation and energy, something we could all use!


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